Author's Note and other craps you won't read (But you should!)

Start from the beginning

Pretty obvious, duh!

And next, we have...

For now, we'll only have Werewolves and Witches, but I might throw in some Vampires later, not sure

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For now, we'll only have Werewolves and Witches, but I might throw in some Vampires later, not sure.
We'll see...

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(The book cover, and all the banners, Aesthetics are done by yours truly!)

(The book cover, and all the banners, Aesthetics are done by yours truly!)

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Skip this at your own risk!

My intention as the author is to discuss some important issues before we move further into the story. Such as-

No.1: About the protagonists.

The male and female leads here are grown-up adults. Nowhere in this story the male lead throws temper tantrums; he doesn't go around insulting and abusing his pack members, or his mate; he also doesn't reject, or rape his mate, abuse or harm her intentionally; he also doesn't cheat on her with other women. The male lead here might seem brutal at times, but he's a gentleman who has a pack to lead, he is too matured to do any of the above things. He's a grown adult with his shit figured out, who is also completely civil to others. As an author, I have accountability for what kind of message I want to send via my stories. And also, I intend to make my readers fall in love with the protagonists. Making my male protagonist an A-class asshole, who is abusive and disrespectful towards his mate or pack members would not set a good example of a man I would want my female lead, or my readers, or myself, or any other woman to fall in love with. If you don't wanna read a story with two grown-ups, who handle their problems like adults, without being outrageously possessive, whiny, or temperamental; then hun; this is not the werewolf story for you.

About the female lead, do not expect her to be a natural submissive, who has been tortured, enslaved, or abused throughout her life. Again, if you want a story where the female protagonist is abused and tortured, physically, and mentally broken, this is not the story for you. The female lead here might have experienced some trauma, but she is a strong, badass woman, who doesn't submit to anyone easily.

No.2: About some sensitive issues.

If you find anything portrayed or said in the story sexist, racist, or homophobic, I assure you, it is not anyway intentional on my part. The male protagonist here is an alpha, so gradually he will be physically stronger than the rest of his pack, and his mate. Do not assume this is to support or portray sexism. It's just how I believe things would be, and how these events would play out in reality. So, do not presume the things that display his dominance is sexist.

No.3: For the people who carry a bucket full of hate comments.

Please make sure while commenting that you keep them positive towards others. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Most of the time when I'm typing it's pretty early in the morning (around 4 AM, and I'm sleep deprived), so you may find unusual grammatical mistakes. Please feel free to point them out. But there is a fine line between constructive criticism and hate comments. Don't leave nasty comments just because you don't like the story. If you don't like it, feel free to leave, but you don't need to be rude in the comment section. If you don't like something about the story, or if you have a complaint, feel free to take it up with me over the private messages.

No.4: About the graphic contents.

Some of the chapters of this story will contain graphical scenes, alcohol drinking, sexual acts, murder, nudity, witchcraft, curse words, and other mature and sensitive topics. I will put on a warning sign at the beginning of those chapters.

No.5: About the ethnical stereotypes.

This is a story based on INDIA. There will be some predicaments in the story that you might find generalizing or stereotyping a community. In reality, there might be some stereotypes, only included for the character development. I have experienced some of them myself or came across the others in my neighborhood, and I no way intend to dishonor my nation, my culture, or my people by talking about them.

For my readers from other countries, I request you do not judge my people or my country solely based on those stereotypes.

For my readers from other countries, I request you do not judge my people or my country solely based on those stereotypes

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Copyright@2021 Sanchari Ganguly

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