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Hi everyone! It's me again. I don't really know but I just feel unmotivated but for you guys I'm going to try. So I hope this chappie is good.

DISCLAIMER:  I do not own the naruto/boruto franchise.


"What is going on here?" A familiar voice interrupted their staring.

They both look in the direction of which the voice came from. His bright golden eyes stared at them intensely.

"Just a little spar,mitsuki." Sarada answered for both of them.

Mitsuki looked at her and frowned. It surprised sarada a bit since he liked to smile a lot.

"Those injuries are a result of the spar? I'd like to think it was a battle to the death." He said.

"What are you doing here mitsuki?" Boruto finally spoke.

"Lord seventh summoned us. But it seems like one member of the team can't go." Mitsuki glared at boruto.

This surprised sarada again. Mitsuki had never glared at boruto before.

"That's because that team member is so weak." Boruto glared back. "I thought you were supposed to be fulfilling your 'dream' of becoming hokage,sarada."

"If you killed her how would she do that?" The light blue haired boy said.

"Well I thought I would kill her for being so weak. We don't need a ninja like that. Besides,I'm sure master would be disappointed to see an uchiha looking weak." He taunted.

"Stop it!" Sarada shouted. "Don't worry about me mitsuki. I'm fine."

Mitsuki looked at her and sighed. "Fine then. Let's go,boruto." Boruto simply nodded.

Sarada got up to go to the hospital. She struggled to get up but she managed. She barely started walking when she saw dark spots in her view.


"Lord seventh we're here." Mitsuki said.

Naruto looked up from the papers he was signing. His eyes widened when he saw boruto.

"'re back." He said with a glint of happiness in his ocean blue eyes. He knew he had come back. But he just felt happy.

"Yes." Boruto answered.

Then naruto noticed sarada wasn't there with them.

"Where is sarada?" He asked.

"At the hospital." Mitsuki answered.

"I see." The older blond muttered. "Anyway,I summoned you here for a mission."

"You are to guard one of the land of fire's feudal lords. Apparantly,there are some rogue ninja targetting him. Your job is to capture those rogue ninja and also protect the feudal lord. Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good,you'll be leaving tomorrow evening,So by then you have to be ready."

The two boys nodded. As they walked out they met sumire and katasuke.

"Boruto. It's been a while." Sumire said. "When did you come back?"

"A few hours ago." Boruto answered shortly.

"Oh..." the atmosphere grew tense as the conversation ended.

"I'll be leaving now." Boruto said suddenly.

"Right. It is pretty late." Katasuke said. "It was nice seeing you again,young master."

Boruto walked out of the building with mitsuki behind him.

"Aren't you going to see how sarada is doing?" Mitsuki called out. Boruto stopped.

"Why should I? Is it necessary?" He said coldly.


The blond continued walking home while mitsuki just stood there.

A/N: from here its mitsuki's thoughts. That's why it will be written in italic.

'When did he become so cold and dark? Not caring about anything but himself. That's not the boruto I know.

I was very surprised that he tried to kill sarada. The one he made that promise to. Though I was very sure they would get together. Now that things are in this situation....I don't know.

He was so cheerful back in the day. His eyes always shined. He always smiled. But now his mood is sour his eyes are dull and I have never seen him smile,even upon seeing his friends.

What happened to the boruto we all knew? At this point, the team could fall apart. I many has he killed while out of the village. He hasn't even gone to thunder burger yet. Maybe even never.

I wonder if the karma seal has been removed. I don't think so. Could the seal be affecting his personality? We don't know.'

Mitsuki looked up at the moon. "Ah,I have to get home. It's getting dark."

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