The older rolled his eyes pushing the other man away. "Stop that." He muttered. Kihyun aimed the pistol at the next bottle. After a moment he pulled the trigger and the bullet shattered the glass in almost an instant.

Changkyun watched as the man's eyes lit up. He had finally shot the target without help from the younger after wasting tens of bullets. Kihyun turned to the other, his soft brown eyes shining like a star. "I did it." He said, the hope in his voice back. 

The younger was surprised by the sudden hug attack that came onto him. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't help me." The older muttered. Changkyun carefully wrapped his arms around the other. "Die? Ask Hoseok for help?" He laughed gently.

Kihyun pulled back a little. "Thank you, Kyun." The man said, a bright smile on his pretty face. Changkyun couldn't help but smile back at him, heart fluttering at the sight.

He had fallen deeply.


Changkyun stared at the overgrown plantation covering the shooting ranger in silence. The place had been unused for years, so nature took its toll on it. A sigh escaped from between his lips as he sat down on the old, slightly decayed, tree stump he always used to sit on while watching Kihyun's shooting practice.

It felt bittersweet to see the, once well-kept place, like this, but there was no point in restoring it to its old state. Even the paint on the small living area had started to chip off. 

The man pressed his head against his knees closing his eyes. Even if the area was overflowing with plants, it still was his comfort zone. A place where he could always let his emotions out but crying was never something he likes. He wasn't sure how to deal with Kihyun's passing, so he had come out here, even if it was to just go over the happy memories to hide the heartbreak. It seemed like a bad dream and that he would wake up any second now. 

He couldn't believe it had been almost a week since everything happened. The funeral would be in a few days which also felt absolutely unreal.

There was a reason why some people in their line of work were skeptical of dating. There was no guarantee of living and dealing with the loss of someone you love could take you down easily. The habit of showing extreme emotions could be used against you in the end.

He had been a foolish 18- year old when he met Kihyun the first time. He never expected them to be anything more than partners in the means of work. It never crossed his mind the other tech-savvy man would ever become this important. So much so that it felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest when he got shot down.

Changkyun stood up, brushing off the dirt from his clothes. He walked over to the small house-like building and pulled out his key stack, opening the locked door with the right silver key. He left the door open as he walked in. The light surprisingly turned on, revealing the dusty inside. 

They hadn't been there in ages. Kihyun had planned on revamping the place but that never happened. And now it would be left in its current state.

Changkyun took a seat on the chair located next to a desk and sighed deeply. He looked around the small space, scanning every object. Everything was frozen in the year 2014 which was the year they left and hadn't come back since. His eyes moved to the walls, most of which were lined with their plans for the surveillance cameras on the house premises. That surveillance system was still up, but of course, it was updated to the most recent technology.

"I figured you'd be here.." Hoseok's voice carried into the younger's ears and he was snapped out of his thoughts. He gave a glance to the older before looking away. Hoseok sighed softly and sat down on the small couch. 

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