Chapter 16 "Trust"

Start from the beginning

"No. Dimentio and I will go." 

I froze for a second. "Wait, really? You want me in there with you? What if the book is to tempting for me? Is this really a smart idea?" He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I trust you. I want you there with me. You've stood by my side all this time. I want you here when our adventure comes to an end."

I slowly nodded. Daisy stepped forward. "You sure about this?" Luigi and I exchanged glances and nodded.

"Alright then. I'll be out here when you're done. Be careful."

Together, Luigi and I walked through the door. It slowly closed behind us. I stopped floating, my feet hitting the ground. 

In front of us, lied a large, crumbly stone bridge. It looked like the other side was 200 meters away.

I looked down. It was a long long way down. I could feel that small fear of heights kick in. If I fell, I would probably die, since I couldn't use magic to save me. I took a step onto the bridge. There were no sides. No rails. I could feel the ground start to crumble beneath me.

Luigi placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright if you're nervous. We just have to go slow so the bridge doesn't collapse." I nodded. How was he so calm about this? This whole room reminded me of that time I had to get the key in Sarasaland, when I had to get across that large chasm while my magic was being limited. 

Luigi took my hand and together, we slowly walked forward.

How was he being so brave right now? Since when was I the scared one?? Whatever. Occasionally I could feel the ground crack beneath us, but it didn't break. "How old is this bridge?? It's basically falling apart," I complained. Luigi shrugged. "This book has been here for thousands of years, and we needed four keys to get in, so I'm guessing no one has been coming to maintain it."

When we made it across, I let out a breath I seemed to be holding in. "Okay, phew. We made it." We both turned our heads.

There it was. 

In the middle of the next room on a podium, floated the Grey Prognosticus. We both stepped into the next room. The walls were white. Everything was white except the book.

I could hear it...calling to me. Telling me to take it. 

I froze in place. No. I wasn't going to do it. 

Luigi nodded at me, and took a step forward, before I grabbed his hand. "Hey, wait one second." 

He looked back at me. I let out a sigh. "Listen, Luigi. I just-.... I just want to thank you. For everything. For giving me a second chance I didn't deserve, for trusting me, for all of this.'ve really changed me." He smiled and took both my hands. "Thank you. I knew I could trust you. Now let's get that book and save my brother."

"Yeah, about that...what do you think will happen. To us, when your brother's free?" He seemed to hesitate slightly, before smiling again. "I don't know. But it'll all work out. I know it will."

I smiled and stood back. He trusted me. That was more powerful than the book. His trust was keeping me from taking the book and leaving.

I watched him slowly walk up to it.

The book's calls were loud, but his trust in me was louder. I couldn't betray him. I wouldn't betray him.

He opened the book and scanned the pages, looking for the right one to take.

Luigi trusts me. Don't take it. Don't take it.

"Does it have what we need? Did you find the right pages?"

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