"Remus... Roman belongs to Virgil. If he tells us to let him go... we don't have a choice." Remus's face paled as he just stared at Virgil who was glaring them all down. "It's witch law. You may not have to follow but... WE do."

"Please, trust me on this, even if you can't trust him." Remus sighed as he looked at the panicking demon who had by this point stopped breathing. Remus crashed with a nod as he turned to Janus, gesturing him on. 

"Break the chains so the cuffs stay on. Then you and Patton put charms around the house. Make it so he can't leave no matter what. I'll.. I'll go inform Thomas. Virgil?" Remus frowned as he noticed how Roman's gaze was solely on him. "This means you're stuck here with him. He can't leave this building... and you can't leave him lest he kills someone."

"I wasn't planning on it anyway." Virgil teased before turning back to see Roman just sitting there frozen in the chair. "If you're that frightened set up my room again and spell it so Roman can only leave it if I let him."

"I can do that." Patton said softly as Janus broke the first cuff making Roman's eyes shoot wide. The second he realized he could move it, he jerked forward to grab Virgil again making everyone freeze for a second before Virgil just laughed. 

"I wonder if Roman's need for contact is making you like this." Roman's eyes sparkled as he just squeezed Virgil's hand tightly. "You're just all over the place... aren't you."

"Te amo, Ignis." Roman smiled only to blink in confusion as he felt the restraints break from his ancles. "I-Ignis?"

"It's ok, Love. We're getting you out of those chains." Roman's eyes completely lit up as he fussed a bit only for the chain holding his other arm to break making him freeze up again.

"It's just the one around his waist now." Janus choked as Roman's eyes turned to his with a tilt of his head. "Are sure about this?"

"Do it, Janus." Virgil lulled as he rubbed his thumb over Roman's hand. Janus took a deep breath as he undid the leather restraint making Roman hesitate a bit finally feeling it give way. He blinked for a few seconds pulling his hand free as he just stared at them almost in disbelief that they were actually free. Then just as the second ticked by Roman was gone. Remus grunted as Roman suddenly pressed him into the iron door, a scalpel in his hand poised to strike. "Romulus, freeze." Remus barely took a breath as Roman stopped in his place a growl on his lips as Virgil just shook his head. "Look at me." Roman did as he was told slowly looking over to see the look Virgil was giving him, only to spark fear in his eyes. "Drop the knife." It clinked against the floor as it fell and Patton quickly rushed to kick it away not that it really mattered much to a demon. "What did I tell you?" Roman grimaced as Virgil just raised an eyebrow at him. "Answer me, Love."

"Hurting people is bad."

"Exactly. No more hurting people. No more killing. You are not allowed. God, I feel like a parent talking to an unruly homicidal toddler." Janus chuckled tensely as Virgil just shook his head making Roman crash. "That's bad."

"I'm sorry. I'll be good." Roman instantly let Remus go as he started to shake. "I didn't mean it."


"He hurt me... chained me up... took you away from me." Roman hissed as he shook his head trying not to snap at the hunter again. "I want him to suffer. I want him to scream. I... I just... I..."

"Come here." Roman wasted no time in obeying, walking over to his human as his eyes remained focused on the ground. "You're confused and lost. I can see that. You're in pain and just want it all to end. I know. But you can't give in to those thoughts... I know it's hard. Romulus is at the forefront of your mind, Love, and you want is to give in but please... Please promise me you won't." 

"Lo Siento." Roman whined softly before smiling sadly up at his love. "No me puedo controlar, Mi Amor. Duele mucho." (I'm sorry. I cannot control myself, My love. It hurts too much.)

"We're going to help you. We just need time." Virgil held his hand out absentmindedly, just trying to work through his thoughts. "But that means you have to talk to me ok?" Roman's eyes flashed as he looked at Virgil's hand in thought. His eyes darted from the hand to Virgil's face and back again before a smile spread over his face. "We can't help you if we don't know how... or what's going on with you so-..." Roman placed his chin on Virgil's hand making the human stop short in surprise. Roman just beamed as Virgil crashed over how much he loves him. Roman shifted till he was leaning his cheek against Virgil's hand, eyes closed just enjoying the contact. "I'll be with you the entire time. I promise."

"Mi Amor... Mi... My..." Roman groaned with a slightly pained expression before opening his eyes again and just pulling away. "Amica Mea. Ignis mei. You can't leave me."

"I won't... as long as you listen and don't try to hurt anyone anymore." Roman nodded frantically as if desperate for the other to believe him. "Good boy."

"He's not a dog." Remus finally said as the initial panic from before died down. Roman just laughed as he spun himself around till he was standing behind Virgil with his arms wrapped around him.

"Maybe not, but I can still bite like one."

(I feel like this and the latest chapters aren't as good as they should be so... I'm sorry. Just hang in with me... the book is actually nearing its end so... yea. Also, I suck at ending so... not really looking forward to that but I've definitely got some things planned and the angst isn't over yet hehe)

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