22. Bound by heart

Start from the beginning

"Yes Mr. Gadodia, you are Ms. Swara's father and you can take decision regarding it but Ms. Swara is Adult and she has all her right to take her decision by herself, especially about her marriage." Inspector said.

Sanskar smiled putting and his hand inside his pocket.

"I know Inspector but My daughter is not forced in this. She agreed by herself. You can ask her." Shekhar Gadodia lied because he was well aware that Swara was against it. She tried to deny but later she had to accept.

"Swara.." Shekhar called her.

Swara was too shocked to react. Her mind was still trying to get the whole thing that's going on. She didn't know what to say. Somewhere inside her, it was forcing her to just yell out that she doesn't want it. She is not happy with this.
Sanskar was looking at her intently to hear her. Riya also looked at her eagerly. While Viraj was getting angry. He was glaring at her.

"Swara, speak up. Tell them you are not forced in this marriage." Shekhar said angrily.

"Mr. Gadodia!! You can't shout like that on her." Inspector said.

Shekhar nodded feeling embarrassed.

Riya was feeling like to shout yes. But she knew Swara need to answer.

"Swara, speak up please." Riya said slowly in worried tone.

"No! I m not forced into anything. It's my decision." Swara answered composing herself but she didn't look up.

"I m marrying with my choice. I don't have anyone's pressure on me." Swara said further.

Sanskar was looking at her. He closed his eyes trying to maintain calm. Why this girl is so stubborn? But he had idea that she will do something like that only.

"I m feeling like banging my head somewhere on the wall. Seriously!!" Riya murmured to herself but Swara could hear her. She was looking down.

"See, you heard it Inspector. She is marrying willingly." Shekhar said.

"Yes, and now that you got your answer then take this man away from here and make sure to put charge against him for defamation" Viraj said.

"Defamation? (Chuckled) If I start then I can put enough charges against you. So better shut your useless mouth Mr. Viraj!!" Sanskar said rolling his eyes in arrogantly.

"And Mr. Gadodia, May be she is saying it under your pressure only. Still, She can't marry Viraj." Sanskar said shrugging his shoulder.

Swara was now getting angry with all this. Yes, she doesn't want to marry Viraj. But she is not going to give up and let him do it.

"Just stop it Sanskar!! It's enough!! I m not forced in anything and why can't I marry him? You hold no right to barge here and stop this wedding!!" Swara gathered a but courage and shouted on him angrily glaring at him. She was breaking from inside for lying because she knows she loves him. She wants him but she was just too adamant on her decision.


"Wife?" Swara whispered confusingly.

"WIFE!!!" Shekhar said in shock while with this everyone were shocked yet confused.

"Inspector, can you please elbourate to my wife that she can't do second marriage without divorcing me!!! IT'S ILLEGAL!!" Sanskar said with smirking look.

"Yes MRS. SWARA MAHESHWARI, you can't marry Mr. Viraj. We know you are pressurized under your father to accept this even after he knew about and forced you to hide it not to let anyone know about it!!" Inspector said.

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