You spot a convenience store, or gas station and beginning walking that way. You hope you can get directions or something.

"Stop!" An unfamiliar voice says behind you.

"No thanks." You respond, unaware of the severity of the situation.

"I have a gun." They respond, and you turn around.

It's some middle-aged white dude, who has his hand on his back pocket.

"Gun my ass. This isn't America."

"Wanna find out, missy?" He spits, and you take a step back.

"Uhm, not really..." you trail off, starting to get scared.

"Give me your purse."

"I don't have a fucking purse on me."

He lets out an angry sigh. "Your phone, then."

You step back again. "No. My brothers coming," you fib, "he's a police officer too."

You notice his movements are strange, and his shaking. Erratic.

This is bad.

"Now!" He yells and his voice echoes in the empty parking lot.

You decide to run. You're not wearing heels, and aren't slow so you should be okay.

"I'll shoot you, fucking bitch!" He screams.

You look behind you to see him reaching, and you automatically get down and cover your head. You fall down, really. Your knees scrape on the rough pavement, and your wrists smart as they catch the rest of your fall. You look at your phone, to find it is no longer in your hand but nearby, the screen shattered on impact. Now you're stranded without a way to contact anyone. Although the more pressing issue is your life being threatened.

All you can hear is heavy footsteps approaching you. You curl up protectively, a feeble attempt to shield yourself.

When you hear a different pair of footsteps, and grunting, you tentatively look back.

It's Ben, and he's now beating the shit out of the guy. Kicking him in the gut over and over, and after a bit, you can't bear any more.

"Ben, stop!" You shout, and he turns to look at your teary face.

"Why should I?" He's angrier than you've ever seen him. "He threatened to kill you!"

"Did he actually have a gun?" You question.

He kicks the object over to you. "It's fake."

You can't help but laugh. It's a fucking nerf gun.

He resumes kicking him.

"Stop, Ben. My knees hurt. I wanna leave."

He sighs but does stop.

You stand up and look to find his car parked nearby. You're not sure how you didn't hear it pull up.

You leave the guy moaning and groaning on the ground, and walk back to his car.

The lights inside the car turn on, and you can see your wound better in the light. Your knees sting, and the cut is filled with tiny stones from the loose pavement. Thankfully, your knees are the only area that is hurt. You tentatively touch, and pull back your hand to find fresh blood on your fingers.

Ben sits down in his chair angrily. He tosses your broken phone onto your lap. You don't dare to look at him.

He smacks the back of your head lightly. "Are you fucking dumb? What were you thinking getting lost like that?! This area is shady as fuck!" He's yelling.

"Blaming the victim?!" You loudly say back.

"You should have just given him your phone!" He shouts.

"It cost a lot of money!" You respond.

He scoffs. "Well, it's fucked anyway."

You want to scream obscenities at him, but hold back. The adrenaline rush is dissipating, and you feel sick to your stomach. You clench your hands as you begin shaking ever so slightly.

Ben notices you begin to shake and he feels a minuscule amount of sympathy for you. Still, he's pissed you were such an idiot and he had to come to find you.

"Where is my mom and your dad?" You ask after a few minutes of silence.

"At home in bed. You don't need to worry about running into them."

You have a quiet sigh of relief. If they found out you would probably be put on house arrest.

You tiptoe inside and Ben closes the door behind the two of you. You make your way up to the bathroom to deal with your cuts, but before you can close the door Ben stops you.

"You're probably useless at first aid."

You frown, he isn't wrong.

You sit up on the counter and Ben pulls the first aid kit out of the cupboards. You sway your dangled feet back and forth while you wait.

"Move so your knees are over the sink." He commands.

You listen, and now you're sitting so that your legs are straight on the counter. It's a large counter, spanning from the wall by the door all the way to the toilet. With just a single sink, and cupboards covered by a mirror. Ben turns on the tap and warm water runs over your legs. He then wipes it with a sanitizing towelette, and you flinch.

"That hurts!" You say loudly.

He hushes you. "If you want an infection, fine by me." He scowls.

You roll your eyes.

After wiping it, he frowns and pulls out a pair of tweezers.

He meticulously pulls out every tiny bit of gravel. You lean Your head against the wall and take a moment to look at him.

His face is focused, biting his lip and eyebrows furrowed. One hand is on your calf and the other one with the tweezers. His dark hair is a bit messy, hanging over his forehead. His face is flushed, you assume from the beating he gave that creep. There's a sheen of sweat on his muscular arms, and it makes his pale skin glisten in the light.

He places the tweezers down and pulls out a tube of something. He squeezes it onto his finger and spreads a hefty amount over both cuts. He places two bandages on top to cover it.

"Thanks, I guess." You mumble, not wanting to say it, but you know you should.

"Whatever. Not like I had a choice with how fucking dumb you are." Back to his usual attitude.

You scoff at his harshness. You swing your legs over, but before you can get off the counter he takes your wrists in his hands.

He inspects them, specifically the area which you landed on.

"Do these hurt?" He asks.

"No. Just hurt at the time."

He says nothing, but turns around and tosses any garbage in the bin and puts the cloth in the laundry basket. You get off the counter and begin your nighttime routine.

Sleep doesn't come easily. Your minding is racing, replaying the events from earlier. So, you do what anyone does when they can't sleep. Masturbate.


Not me having this totally inspired by that scene from Clueless... lol

Protective Ben Solo>>>>>

What are you doing, stepbro? Ben Solo  x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang