Chapter 59- I'm Going Home Now!

Start from the beginning

“You did a good thing with her,” Caroline told me.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“With the CD you made her,” Caroline answered me, “I knew you would figure out how to get through to her.”

“Music is the key to everything for her. It always has been. I learned that a long time ago,” I told her.

“When she would come to see you in Nashville when Kenzie was a baby?” Caroline asked me.

“You knew about that?” I asked.

“I didn’t need then, but I do now. I should have seen it all along. I was so jealous of the relationship you had with Bridget. Even when we were together. You would do anything for her,” Caroline answered.

“I would have done anything for you too,” I informed her.

“No you wouldn’t. Bridget could get you to do things I couldn’t. Like the trip to Panama City that one year. Bridget convinced you to go. I had tried for weeks, but you kept shooting me down. You told me just to make it a girl’s trip,” Caroline enlightened me.

“No, she didn’t convince me of anything. She threatened me. Well, not me, but still,” I told her.

“What do you mean, Luke?” Caroline asked.

“She threatened to cut the strings on my guitar if I didn’t go. She held a pair of scissors to it and every time I tried to get closer to take it away she got closer, she got closer to the strings until I agreed to go,” I explained.

“Sounds like Bridget to me,” Caroline laughed.

“You know, she was constantly tormenting me over something,” I said with a smile.

“It’s called flirting,” Caroline said, “And you flirted right back. I don’t know why I didn’t ever just admit what was going on.”

“You didn’t just as I didn’t. All because neither of us wanted to admit it,” I confessed, “We were both scared.”

“Yes. You’re right. There’s always been that connection between the two of you. But she’s going to need you more than ever now. Things are going to happen and you are going to be lost, but you will have to be there for her because you are hers now. You are married and you are committed to each other. Through thick and thin,” Caroline said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, “What’s going to happen?”

“Just remember, Luke. Just remember,” Caroline said before fading away.

“Luke, wake up! You’ve got to get ready!” Kerri shouted at me as she shook my shoulder.

“I’m up,” I said groggily.

“Get up!” Kerri exclaimed, “You have ten minutes before Meet & Greets start. You need to change.”

“Shit! Why did you let me sleep so long?” I asked as I shot up from the couch to see the entire band watching.

“Carter was supposed to wake you up thirty minutes ago,” Kerri informed me as she looked towards Carter.

“Hey! We tried. He kept mumbling stuff to himself,” Carter defended himself.

“Where’s my clothes?” I asked as I stood up.

“They are on the chair,” Kerri said as she walked out of the dressing room.

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