💓😘Making Up For His Mistake🤟🏽👩‍❤️‍👨

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"I figured it was time for the family to meet them that way if you ever end up going there they won't be strangers to the twins"  Czarina says once she sees Marcus walk into the house with the picture in his hands Marcus looks up at her with a smile on his face then his smile drops and his eyes become sad as he says softly "lo siento mi emperatriz"  a small smile graces the corner of her lips but disappears as fast as it appeared and she replies "I'm not the one you should be apologizing too!"  he chuckles softly cause he knew she was speaking of Bishop he walks over to her afraid to touch her for he didn't know what the repercussions of that action would be he sets the picture down on the kitchen island and says "I will call him later"  she nods not saying a word and he fidgets as he fights the urge to caress her bare shoulders with his lips and slide his hands down her back and arms small motions that make a big impact and speak in volumes that would shatter the windows they were so loud his heart squeezes in pain and sadness she turns and kisses his cheek then walks away taking the framed picture off the island and goes to find a new home for it one with a bigger meaning Marcus turns and watches her walk away with hopeful eyes and a small smile he hated the week she left him alone with the memory of what he did and the rest of his dark thoughts luckily the club kept him busy especially with the new problems Jax has started to create for everyone Marcus didn't retaliate for his wrong doings for it was his problem and he was hoping he'd get a chance to fix it and now that she was home maybe he could he half expected to get divorce papers in the mail for what he had done even though he knew she knew he wasn't all there what he did, the things he said to that girl, how he said them, the way he touched her those things were only meant for his wife and he was disgusted with himself for letting it happen he just wasn't sure HOW it happened he had maybe four beers and his limit was usually eight the girl was persistent but he only remembered refusing her advances and how in the HELL did he mistake that black haired child for his redhaired beauty!?! they didn't look or sound the same and the girl didn't know a lick of spanish "I was told to call and apologize"  Marcus says to Bishop through the phone Bishop chuckles then replies "they made it home safely then?! good! it's alright Padrino I understand things are tough down there your boys need you especially with Stockton just opening up"  Marcus smiles as he watches his wife play with their children god it was good to have them home "thank you for taking care of them"  Marcus says "they stayed at Nestor's"  Bishop replies a look of shock flashes across Marcus' face then he says "well I'll have to thank him as well!"  he stays on the phone and chats with his cousin for awhile then hangs up and joins his family in playtime a few seconds after he joined them Czarina stands up and walks towards the kitchen to start dinner Marcus watches her walk away with a sad expression on his face all he could think was that he should be doing that not her but she would tell him that that was "her place" which was what her family had taught her and he would tell her that she was wrong duties of the home are to be shared not separated in who does what and when.... while his wife was cooking dinner Marcus took the opportunity to call his guys and ask for a week alone with the family leaving his number one in charge hearing that his family was home his guys agreed to hold down the fort as best they could and wished him luck on his endeavor which made him chuckle because he knew it was going to be one of the hardest things he's ever done getting her to love and trust him again after what he had done even he wouldn't trust himself if he were her falling so quickly and easily into the trap the little girl laid out for him....

 while his wife was cooking dinner Marcus took the opportunity to call his guys and ask for a week alone with the family leaving his number one in charge hearing that his family was home his guys agreed to hold down the fort as best they could and...

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OH MY GODfatherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz