🤴🏽Her One True King 👑

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Marcus leaves Czarina with Esai and Izella then heads to the meet with Zobelle he could tell by the way she held herself she didn't like not what he had to do just who he had to do it with "I know mi reina I don't like it either"  he whispers soft...

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Marcus leaves Czarina with Esai and Izella then heads to the meet with Zobelle he could tell by the way she held herself she didn't like not what he had to do just who he had to do it with "I know mi reina I don't like it either"  he whispers softly then kisses her lips and walks away heading outside then over to his Harley and rides off to the meet.... when Happy came by to meet his niece Czarina could tell something was wrong by the tension she could see in his slow steps but knew better than to ask questions she lets him inside and whispers "Zar's asleep but you can take the spare room and meet her in the morning if you want"  Happy nods then kisses the top of her head as he walks past her into the house he heads to the spare bedroom which has it's own bathroom takes a shower then heads to bed "don't be surprised if he takes over for you in the morning he seemed a little down and needs a better pick me up than some Crow Eater!"  Happy hears Czarina say with a whispered tone to his sister as he lays down in bed and he smiles into his pillow as his sister chuckles softly "why don't you put the baby monitor in his room and give you and Esai a break for the night Zar usually sleeps through it anyway"  Czarina suggests Izella nods with a smile then heads into her bedroom where Esai was already asleep sneakily steals the baby monitor then walks out and over to the spare room where her brother lays with his eyes closed but not asleep yet and she sees him smile when he hears her lightly place the monitor on the bedside table she kisses his forehead and whispers softly "I love you Happy"  Happy's smile grows as he replies "I love you too Zella"  then he listens to her soft footfalls leave the room and falls into a deep somewhat restless slumber the next morning Happy woke up and took care of his beautiful niece changing her diaper, feeding and clothing her Izella smiles when she sees Happy masterfully hold her daughter like it was something he was always meant to do as he cooked breakfast he spent as much time as he could with his family.... which included his mother who was staying with Izella and Esai.... then headed back to the club missing them long before he even left the home he found that he loved the peacefulness that surrounded the place and couldn't help but wonder of there was a redhead Czarina knew that she could hook him up with he chuckles at the thought then shakes his head as he rides off to Teller-Morrow....

"Today seems like a better day"  Czarina says to Happy when he comes to her house to see his niece who was visiting with her mother "yeah!"  Happy replies with a smile as Czarina slides her hand over the side of his head like she could tell he had...

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"Today seems like a better day"  Czarina says to Happy when he comes to her house to see his niece who was visiting with her mother "yeah!"  Happy replies with a smile as Czarina slides her hand over the side of his head like she could tell he had just thrown a Molotov Cocktail into a drug "king"s trailer earlier that day "it's getting even better since I do believe you are the only Reaper the Tribal Demon King would ever allow on his property without a gun up his ass!"  she says he laughs and nods over to a smiling Marcus who was watching their interaction Marcus nods hello in return then watches as Happy kisses the side his (Marcus) wife's forehead then walks into the house Czarina walks over to Marcus kisses his lips and whispers softly "thank you!"  Marcus smiles then replies "the poor ese's family as you said he's the only Reaper allowed!"  she chuckles then kisses his lips again then takes his hand and leads him to his Harley he smiles and asks "won't the pups get upset?!"  she replies "not when Happy's here.... I think he reminds them of a bald version of Tully"  he chuckles then says "yeah I can see it!"  she laughs then they climb onto his Harley and drive away.... ever since Marcus started working with Zobelle Czarina has been taking Marcus on little dates just the two of them helping him release his own tension and making him happy once again for he doesn't come home with a smile anymore and she'd rather see him smile then frown and worry about shit and today she was taking him back to the place they first met and this time she ordered her own food and HE stole bites from her plate which made her chuckle softly with a smile "when we're done we should go visit Charlie Horse.... it's been awhile since we've seen him"  Czarina says Marcus smiles and replies "yeah!"  back before they got married Marcus was introduced to the chief of the Wahewa tribe as the man who taught Czarina how to ride a horse.... just not his I know you know what I mean.... he instantly liked the man who seemed like a father figure to his (Marcus) wife a better one than she was born to that's for sure he was also the man who officiated Marcus and Czarina's wedding making them one in all ways.... spiritual and legal.... so as Tig, Half Sack and Clay were dealing with his people Charlie Horse, Marcus and Czarina were riding horses across Wahewa land reveling in it's beauty and learning a lot about it for Charlie Horse was always willing to teach those he believed deserved as well as earned that right and Marcus always found it all to be very fascinating and soaked up every bit of knowledge Charlie Horse taught about his people and their ways as did Czarina.... Happy had asked Izella if he could introduce his niece to his Reaper buddies so that night Izella, Happy and Zarouhi drive up to Teller-Morrow and Happy walks into the clubhouse with his niece laying securely in one of his arms and his sister wrapped in the other.... his arm was around her waist.... and Chibs instantly went from feeling down and out to a happy smiling man when he got to hold the wee li'l one and learned that he was officially her Godfather by rule of her mother.... who would talk to her (Zarouhi) father when she got home.... and Happy was extremely happy that everyone simply adored his niece and were very excited for both him and his sister at the news that she was now a mommy they also missed having her around so they were very excited to see her back at the club even if it was for just a little while.... no she didn't affiliate herself with it but she did visit on occasion when Happy was around but it happened less and less ever since she started dating Esai because she didn't want Clay using the fact that she is with a Mayan to HIS advantage for just like Czarina she didn't like nor trust that asshole....

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