🤝🏼Fateful Meeting🤝🏽

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**** Czarina's birthday is going to be March 26, 1965 (March 26th is my oldest sons birthday) I chose this specific year for Czarina's birthday because I want Czarina's somewhere inbetween Marcus and Tully's age and I am using Emilio Rivera's birthday which according to Wikipedia is February 24, 1961 and Marilyn Manson's birthday which according to Wikipedia is January 5, 1969 and yes I have done something I have never done before and chose model as my OC (I usually use drawings)***😁

OC's name meaning and origin

Czarina means Feminine of czar, Female Ruler, an empress; a female Caesar, and is of Russian origin

Czarina Tully born March 26 1965 is a enchanted beauty with hair red as fire and skin as white as a full moon with freckles sprinkled everywhere like stars and eyes like the sea and sky she was born to a white supremacist family who just about ran...

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Czarina Tully born March 26 1965 is a enchanted beauty with hair red as fire and skin as white as a full moon with freckles sprinkled everywhere like stars and eyes like the sea and sky she was born to a white supremacist family who just about ran the Aryan Brotherhood and because she refused to share their ideals her parents disowned her when she turned 10 and yet even though they disowned her her parents still tried to run her life like they owned it and her younger brother Ron.... who she calls Tul.... still does whatever he can to protect her from everything and everyone other than their own parents.... and not just because he believes that is what a brother should do no matter what their age difference is.... a few weeks before Czarina met the love of her life her mother tried to prove her power over her by setting her up with a job.... even though she already has one.... at Diosa International which is owned and run by Neron "Nero" Padilla.... "I'm sorry for wasting your time Mr. Padilla.... but this is.... not what I wanted to do with my life.... I do love the tattoos though!.... and how did you know I have a attraction to scars!?!"  Czarina tells the handsome Latino man she now sits across from ending her words with a playful tease as her eyes scour the scar on his chest that peeks out from inbetween the opening of his buttoned shirt Nero chuckles softly then asks "if you didn't want the job why did you....!?!"  she interrupts by saying "I didn't my mother did I don't even live with her and she's still trying to rule over and control my life!.... you did point out that "my" voice sounded different on the phone"   he smiles and says "yes well many people sound different on the phone"  she replies "not THAT different!"  he laughs then says "true, true!"  she slowly stands up and reaches out her hand for him to shake he stands up and says "if you're not willing to escort perhaps you could run the front desk"  she teasingly coos "my aren't you a little bit over eager Mr. Padilla!?!"  he chuckles with a smile and teases "well you did say you were attracted to my scar and tattoos!...."  then he says in a low voice as though he hoped she wouldn't catch his words.... which she did.... "and a man can dream!"  he sees her smile and knows he got caught "I'll think about it"  she says with a smile "it was nice to meet you Mr. Padilla"  she adds still waiting for him to shake her hand Nero grips her hand gently and replies "you as well and it's Nero"  she smiles then walks out of Diosa with Nero following her a few seconds later "need something else Mr. Padilla?!"  Czarina asks with a playful smirk when she hears his gentle footfalls behind her "I have a favor to ask...."   Nero replies as he walks alongside her....

OH MY GODfatherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora