Chapter 6: Why Me...

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⚠️Warning this chapter might offend or trigger some people. If you don't like this kind of thing or don't want to read it. Just skip over it or don't read it at all. I will tell you where to stop if you want and where you can start back up again. ⚠️

Zoro's POV -

Once obtaining my vision back I looked down. 'Smaller hands? My chest feels heavy and somethings touching my back. Hair! My hair is long?! What??' A million thoughts rushed through my head as he I sat up from the ground.

He was in front of me smiling like a mad man who just got won a ton of belis.

"Now Zoro, what I did was something I had to do. I did this because I love you and you're my grandson, but you have to keep the bloodline going!" He said proudly clapping his hands like a child.

Then it hit me, he turned me into a female...

I was dragged out of that room by two different men that before, they took me into another room upstairs where inside stood a man.

"Listen girl, this isn't my order. I'm just following them, so don't make this difficult for me, okay?" The man said taking off his coat and shirt.

I backed up into the door as he slowly approached me.

I suddenly realized what was going to happen, I started to panic. 'What the hell! How could he do this to me?! I'm not just some object that he can just pass around...'

I was next to the door trying to open it, but it was locked. As the man approached me I could feel tears falling down my cheeks.

"What did I say!" He yelled and grabbed me by the hair dragging me to the bed. Once we got to the bed he grabbed me by the wrist and threw me on it.

⚠️If you want to skip, go down to the next symbol that looks like this⚠️

As he crawled onto the bed he pins my wrists down, so I'm not able to hit to scratch him. He also has his legs positioned tightly around my legs to keep my from kicking himself

I knew I was getting overpowered by this man, so I had to fight back as hard as I could.


He got me hard across my face, I instantly stopped struggling and just looked up at the man whom was now smiling wildly.

I couldn't move my limbs, all I could do was shake nervously under him. I felt a tear escape my eye as he licked my face.

I let out a laugh/cry kinda whimper. All I wanted was to get this man- this thing off of me as soon as possible.

As he had me completely immobile.

I knew at that moment I couldn't get out of this. I was utterly powerless and useless against him, but why? Why couldn't I fight back??

I could feel my energy draining from my body as he spoke down to me.

"I'll let you know now since I probably won't end up telling you later. My name's Hakaru." He said it like he was trying to be the 'nice guy.'

I cried out as he practically tore off my clothes with one hand. He had gagged me with his tie so all I could do for taking with just muffled cries.

He without warning stuck it in me hard, that horny bastard is going to rip me apart.

The pain was so unbearable and so sudden that I almost passed out.

After he was finished with me, he got dressed and knocked on the door. Someone let him out, before walking out he turns back and smiled.

As soon as he walked out of those doors they locked the again.

⚠️You can continue reading now⚠️

I felt useless and disgusted with myself. How could I let this happen? I'm strong aren't I?....

I turned to my side and curled up into a ball on the large bed and cried my eyes out.

Not my finest moment, but what else was I supposed to do...

Was this my life now? Was this how I ended my dream of becoming the world's strongest swordsman? Could I even get out of this situation?

A million thoughts rushed through my brain too quickly to know what I was even thinking. I was a complete mess.

I cried so hard I gave myself a nosebleed. After I had enough of that I sat up.

I looked around the room and noticed on the dresser was some clothes and a note. I had to wipe away my tears in order to see what the note said.

Dear Granddaughter

These clothes are for you to wear. You will from now on, stay on this floor with me! You won't be able to ever leave this castle, enjoy your stay here with us.

P.S once you give birth to the baby we won't have any use for you, but that doesn't mean you can leave either.

- With much love Akinari 🤍

'He's going to kill me after I give birth?? I'm going to die in nine months?!' I fell to the floor crumpling the note in my hand. I propped myself against the dresser behind me and just stared off.

'I've had enough of his bullshit.' I thought wanting to kill that man where he stood.

I took a breath in and let out the most painful scream I could muster, I couldn't cry anymore. I had no tears left to cry, so I did that.

Picking myself up from the ground I get cleaned up and change into this dress. I felt so dirty and disgusted with myself, I hated myself for going back to him, but if I didn't he wouldn't hurt my crew mates and my captain.

I couldn't let that happen.

"Don't give in to any demands Zoro." I say out loud and knock on the door to be let out.

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Sorry for this chapter...🥲

One Piece //Zoro's Family//Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ