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"LAUR we know, I know that we're both busy but it's not right that you almost forgot your lunch, again," Ally said with a frown to Lauren, "even your morning break."

"And afternoon break," Dinah continued.

"Guys, I can take it, seeing Camzi in problems I can't take it."

"Did you—already see her?" Dinah asked with her right brow raised.

Lauren shook her head, flashing her innocent smile, "I just feel her," and she saw Ally sighed.

"Okay, Laur, but it's still not right what you did since you started work at ETG, okay?"

Lauren nodded.

"Don't wait for us to drag Walz to you."

Lauren's face light up then said, "oh please I want to see her..."

And they all chuckled and they all heard the doorbell rings. They all shared a look of confusion of who might it be. Dinah walked towards the door sighing and peep in the peephole and her left brow raised.

"Smallz you got some visitor."

"I have a visitor?" and she walked towards the door and peep in the peephole, she gasped when she saw the person so she quickly unlocked the door, she shriek once the door opened, "BABE!" and she embrace Justin tight.

"Hi babe," Justin said with a smile, feeling the embrace of Ally then kiss her cheek, "how are you?" he asked when he closed the door.

Ally gave Justin her best puppy look, she even pouted and Justin gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Don't pout babe, it weakens me, I'm updated of what happened in ETG I just wanted to check on you personally."

"You really went here from New York just to know if Ally is okay?" Lauren asked, couldn't believe of what she heard from Justin.

"Why not, Lauren?"

"I love you," Ally said.

"I love you, too."

"I want to know why you're here."

"Okay, actually Ms Karla asked for me, she wants me to transfer at the main which is here, so I'm here."

"You're Kirsten's swap?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"I see..." Lauren said, nodding.

"Babe, I forgot to tell you about Ms Karla."

"I already know babe, she told me and its okay."

"You already know that she had a selective memory loss?" Dinah asked.

"Selective memory loss?"

Ally nodded, agreeing to Dinah, "yes babe, she had it."

"Hmm now I know why she's silent when we talk and her words are a bit small."

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked.

"I told her some of the news especially on the day she left."

Dinah widened her eyes and immediately asked, "w-what did she say about Lauren's pregnancy?"

"Oh my God, DJ, I'm not pregnant!" Lauren said defensively.

"Relax," Justin said, assuringly, "I already told her that it's a false information, she's maybe giving it a benefit of the doubt as I said, her words are small and based on it, looks like she even forget who Brad is."

"Ralph she really forget about you, even your connection with Brad."

"DJ, I'm just using Brad, okay? And until I'm alive and breathing, don't even mention that bastard's name, he's the reason why my Camzi left."

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