Chapter 2

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chapter 2

Meredith's POV

Derek picked me up and we went to dinner, we talked about ourselves and he dropped me back home and walked me to the door. I couldn't help but just kiss him.

He pinned me against the wall as he shut the door and grabbed my ass.
"der-" I got cut off with another deep kiss as he slid his tongue inside my mouth and I started to undo his blue shirt and he unhatched my bra from under my dress, it went on and it was amazing!

The next morning the alarm went off and I found myself being spooned by Derek which I am not going to complain about.
"Der, Derek" I said as I nudged him
"come on we have to go" he groaned as he woke up
"what time is it" he said with his morning voice "7.30" I replied with a toothbrush in my mouth "ok I'm coming"

A few weeks after we had been spending a lot of time together in his trailer and at my house we had decided that it would be the right decision for him to move in as we were extremely happy with each other. People had also found out about us at work as it was very obvious.

I spoke to Cristina (my best friend who lives in LA) all the time and I miss her so much but I needed to come to Seattle plus the opportunity that Richard handed to me including the pay was exponential so I obviously couldn't turn it down. We dealt with so many patients together and grew closer by the day.

I had also got a new best friend called Alex, he just understands me in ways that I don't know how to explain, He is so kind and funny, I had been in Seattle for about 3 months and I feel at home with Richard and Derek here. I can see me and Derek going far into the future and potentially eventually having kids together, I mean not to get my hopes up or anything.

I got home to all of Derek's boxes in the house and I just smiled, it was about 3am because I had an emergency surgery. I put all my stuff down and went to get something to eat because I was physically drained from being in surgery for so long that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without something in my system even if it was left over pizza from the night before.
I ate the margarita pizza and headed up to the bedroom to find Derek fast asleep.
I had showered at the hospital so there was no need to shower and wake Der up.
I brushed my teeth, got changed and got into bed. I felt Derek wrap his arms around me and held me tight , I feel so safe when I'm with him.

Sorry if this is a shorter one, I have big plans and was using this as a filler.

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