Pharoah's puppet

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Luna girl was sitting on her luna broad looking at the moon at the park.

Luna girl:why was mothsuki being so mean like she was never being this kind of mean she was sad

Luna girl:it alittle bit hurt my feelings cause we barely hang out with each other and mothsuki is always busy...than she realized.

Luna girl:and that must mothsuki must I have felt...I. wish I can make it up to her...

???:maybe I can be of luna girl look to the left and seen pharaoh boy walking towards her.

Luna girl:WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE PHAROAH BOY!?!?as she got on her luna boy and aimed her magnet at him.

Pharoah boy:woah call down moon girl this Pharoah has been going to the good side.

Luna girl:really?as she didn't belive it.

Pharoah boy:yes since my last pj masks battle my heart was changing and turned good and I decided to be a hero and I wanna try to help luna girl pj put here luna magnet down.

Luna girl:really is this a trick?

Pharoah boy:I'm serious.

Luna girl:ok...I belive you...

Pharoah boy:yay so how can this Pharoah help?

Luna girl:well...I been not been hanging out with mothsuki lately and when I'm not busy she been doing something for the past five nights and I want to make it up to her..

Pharoah boy:I know what to do I'll use my spells to make you guys hang out more.

Luna girl:that's a spell?

Pharoah boy:don't judge the Pharoah spells!

Luna girl:ok ok what do I have to do.

Pharoah boy:you just need to come here.and luna floated alittle closer to him on her luna broad than pharaoh boy put the staff of ra on her forehead.

Pharoah boy:well before I do this spell I want to say...*whisper*this was a trick.he whisper to her and she heard it.

Luna girl:WAIT WHAT!?!?

Pharoah boy:TRANSFORM ME!!!as he did the spell has his and luna girl's eyes was glowing than pharaoh boy was in luna girl's body.

Pharoah boy:HAHAHA now I am in moon girl's body!as he was laughing evily.

Pharoah boy:now this moon broad is mine!as he was flying around with it.

Pharoah boy:I now rule the sky!as he was flying down the street.

Pharoah boy:man this is he was tired and stopped.

Mothsuki:what is fun?she said behind him and she made him jump.

Pharoah boy:what are you doing here!?

Mothsuki:mothsuki was looking for luna wabt to go back to moon EEEE?as pharaoh boy smirked.

Pharoah boy:no thanks little moth sister I'm gonna.. do stuff!as he made a excuse.

Mothsuki:umm ok bye then!as she wave goodbye and teleported back to the moon.

Pharoah boy:that was close now to go back to the he flew back to the museum went inside and went to the Egyptian section.

Pharoah boy:good night mothy cause your day is gonna be really bad tomorrow.he said to himself and went to the sphinx and walked inside in luna girl's body.

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