the moth tells the wolf

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It was the next night and mothsuki was in her room on her bed waking up.

Mothsuki:*yawn*...ok mothsuki gotta go to earth to see kevin so we can hang out together EEEE.should told herself as she got out of bed.

Mothsuki:and crystal gotta behave and not glow.she told the crystal and left her room.

Mothsuki was flying to the center room and seen luna on her throne.

Luna girl:hi mothsuki!

Mothsuki:hey luna!

Luna girl:hey mothauki since I don't have any other plans for tonight I can play with you.

Mothsuki:thanks but mothsuki don't wabt to play right now gotta go to earth.

Luna girl:oh want me to go with you?

Mothsuki:nah luna don't have to come.

Luna girl:ok well bye?as she was kinda confused cause mothsuki wanted to play with her the past days ago.

Mothsuki:bye luna EEEE!as she teleported to earth.

*with the wolfies*

The wolfies turned into their wolfy selfs.

Howler:now that were wfies what should we do?

Rip:I don't know I don't have any plans today.

Howler:me either.

Rip:well kevin since we got nothing to do what should we do tonight?as they seen look in front of them and seen kevin was not their.

They look behind them and seen kevin tiptoe out the window.

Rip:kevin!rip said his name which got his attention.

Kevin:umm...hi guys...he said awkwardly.

Howler:where you think your going?

Kevin:umm...going to find my...lucky bone?

Rip:oh ok well were coming with you.

Kevin:NO cause...I left it far away so we all have to walked their.

Howler:than never mind were just going to play video games.

Kevin:bye guys!

Rip:bye. kevin left.


Mothsuki teleported to the bench where she and kevin first started to hang out.

Mothsuki:mothsuki can't wait to see kevin EEEE!as she was excited.

Mothsuki:kevin is really fun and funny...and kinda mithsuki dozed out abd blushed and her crystal glew.

Mothsuki:what the crystal stop she snapped out if it.

Mothsuki:what's wrong with mothsuki?

???:hello mothsuki!as mothsuki looked in front of her and seen kevin running towards her.

Mothsuki:hello kevin EEEE!as her crystal started glowing.

Mothsuki:*whisper*not now crystal please!as she was banging on the crystal and it was still glowing.

Kevin:hi mothsuki are you ok?as he was already here.

Mothsuki :um..yep!she said as she turned around as her crystal was still glowing.

Kevin:umm...mothsuki why is your crystal glowing.

Mothsuki:mothsuki don't know crystal keeps glowing!as her crystal stopped glowing.

Kevin:oh never mind it stopped.

Mothsuki:for now...she said to herself.

Kevin:what?as he heard her. what should we do EEEE?

Kevin:well before I do anything I have something to show you.

Mothsuki:what is that?as kevin put his hand in his jacket and got broken flowers out.

Mothsuki:this for mothsuki? she blushed.

Kevin:these flowers are for you for being my friend...sorry if their alittle broken.

Mothsuki:THEIR OK MTOHSUKI LOVES FLOWERS SO MUCH EEEE!!!as he handed her it as mothsuki blushed so much or crystal was glowing so bright.

Kevin:MY EYES MOTHSUKI YOUR CRYSTAL ITS SHINING TOO BRIGHT!!!as it was too bright he covered his eyes.

Mothsuki:sorry...mothsuki don't lnow what's wrong with crystal? she was still blushing as te crystal was alittle bright.

Kevin:why is your crystal always getting bright.

Mothsuki:mothsuki don't know it glows when mothsuki feels a strong feeling.

Kevin:happiness,excitement,joyful?as kevin was guessing.

Mothsuki:mothsuki don't know mothsuki never felt this feeling before?

Kevin:well describe it?

Mothsuki:well mothsuki heart is going fast mothsuki legs feel like jelly and their is red on mothsuki's cheeks.

Kevin:well that sounds like..your in love. this what luna must feel when she love lizard boy.

Kevin:yeah and now you experiencing so who do you love?

Mothsuki:...kevin don't want to know kevin might she was really unsure of telling him.

Kevin:come on mothsuki you can tel me anything.

Mothsuki:ok...I!as kevin was in shock as mothsuki curved up into a ball and put her head down embarrassingly.

Kevin:wait...your in love with me? kevin blushed alittle bit. kevin mad?...

Kevin:no I'm not mothsuki put her head up and seen kevin hand out to her.

She grabbed it and kevin pulled her up but they didn't let go of their hands.

Mothsuki:so what's Kevin's answer...does kevin love mothsuki?...

Kevin:...yeah mothsuki I love you two...your cute...somtimes sweet...and mothsuki looked at him and and blushed and hugged him.

Kevin:so...should we tell rip and howler and luna girl?...

Mothsuki:not yet...mothsuki just want  it to be mothsuki and she looked at her hands holding Kevin's.

Kevin:ok...but soon were gonna tell them right?

Mothsuki:yeah she crossed her fingers behind her back.

a Crystallized moth and a hairy wolfWhere stories live. Discover now