Inside though, Hayato was eyeing the kimono-clad girl, trying to calm himself. Yuna was wearing a snow-white kimono with blue flower designs with her hair pulled in an elegant side-tail held up with blue flower pins. Paired with her gentle eyes and bright smile, she was absolutely stunning.

"I just want to look pretty and feel pretty." Yuna pouted at him. "You should feel pretty all the time then." Hayato bluntly told her, not really thinking about his words.

Yuna flushed red at those words, "Hayato, don't say those words... It's not healthy for my heart." She said bashfully. Hayato, realizing what he said also flushed red, "Ah right..." he said averting his eyes.

What was left was two blushing teens obviously pining for each other but too oblivious to admit it to each other that they like each other past the friendship they always shared.

Kashima eyed them before he decided to break the blushing tension, "Wh-Why are you holding a bear, Hatogai-san?" he asked, pointing at the stuffed toy in her hold.

"Ah~ I played in the shooting stalls and raided all their toys. All the stall owners argued with me and in exchange of getting their stall prizes back, I get to keep one of the toys they didn't want to give out." She chirped as she lifted the teddy bear that was half their height.

"So you basically raided the shooting gallery." Hayato bluntly pointed out. "And was banned from playing again, yeah." She added with a smile.

She didn't mind because this stuffed bear was the only good stuff toy that had actual value, brand-wise and quality-wise. The others were mere imitations.

Seeing the atmosphere back to normal, Kashima smiled "Anyway, we need to keep our eyes on them. Let's go." He chided, pointing at the kids who ran off once more. "Ah right Kashima! Let's go, Hayato." Yuna said as Hayato nodded.

They walked together in the festival, eyeing the stalls one by one. Yuna chuckled as Kotarou and Taka held their cotton candy. Kotarou held it like he was going to keep it as a family heirloom while Taka messily ate his. "Taka, be careful when you eat." Yuna chided as she pulls out a handkerchief and wiped Taka's mouth and cheeks, removing the specs of cotton candy.

Hayato's eyes soften as Yuna took care of his brother, she honestly looked like a gentle mother taking care of the kids.

After, Taka turned to eye another stall, one wherein you pull a string to get a prize that it's attached to. Taka was eyeing the Ranger Transform Belt toy in the stall. "Hey boys and girls! Come one, come all! 500 yen! Just for 500 yen, you can win the newest game system or the most popular toys!" the stall owner said as the kids all stared.

The three teens on the other hand exchanged looks with a sweatdrop. "Nii-chan, I wanna do it!" Taka exclaimed.

And that was their cue to go.

The older brothers took their respective younger brothers and they all started to brisk walk away. "Okay, let's find something more substantial to eat." Hayato said. "Yeah, good idea. Let's do that, Taka-kun!" Kashima agreed. "What would you guys like? I'll buy it for us." Yuna said, following the two males in their hurried pace.

'Those strings aren't even connected.'
'They're totally not connected. Especially to the game systems and stuff...'
'500 yen for a rigged game? Yeah right.'

They all walked away, ignoring Taka's cries that got the crowd looking at them.

"Oh? Ryu-chan, Hayato-chan, and Yuna-chan!" Usaida said, guarding a goldfish stall. "Usaida-san. What are you doing here?" Kashima asked. "Look at you, in that yukata... very elegant. Kotarou's too. And Yuna-chan looks beautiful as always~." Usaida complimented lazily.

The Dove's Vow || Kamitani Hayatoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें