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Illumi's POV

"Come here, I got some questions." voiced the other male after he patted his lap.
"And you want me to sit on your lap, because..?" I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows in confusion.
"Because.. I like it when you sit on my lap and this way we can have a more quiet conversation so our next door neighbors don't hear us." I sighed, he did have a point, eventhough it didn't really justify why I specifically had to sit on his lap. I could've just sat next to him, but I straddled his lap anyway.
"So... I don't even know where to start... you're part of the deadliest assassin group?? The Zoldyck family?" Hisoka's arms wrapped around my waist.
"Yes, I'm the oldest child of Silva Zoldyck. Did I not mention my family name when we introduced us?"
"No, you didn't. But neither did I. Morow is mine. I gotta say, I'm surprised I'm still alive, after everything that I've allowed myself." The redhead smirked.
"What do you mean?" I blinked confused.
"Stuff like this~" My face heated up when I felt the others hands on my butt, pulling me closer.
"I.. don't really know why.. but I don't mind that much, if it's you." I muttered softly with my hands on his chest.
"So you think I'm.. special~?" Hisoka grinned and I averted my gaze.
"Specially irritating? Yes, still very irritating. What else did you wanted to ask?" I tried to change the topic, talking about why I didn't mind being this close with him, would be way too awkward for me to handle.
"So mean." The other pouted, but then thankfully didn't talk any further about this. "Ah yes, how did you do that transformation thing? You looked completely different."
"Oh yeah.. I can alter my appearance in general, it's a special technique of mine. If I do it with my needles it can be a lot more intense and a lot longer." I explained shortly.

"Can you.. show me~?" The others golden orbs seemed to sparkle and I just couldn't resist him.
"I-I guess I can show you.. But only the normal transformation. The needles are quite painful and I don't want to endure that a second time today if I don't have to."
"Oh-... Oh yeah that's fine." The redhead nodded.
"Well who should I look like? You can chose."
"Huh, good question. Can you.. look like me?" Hisoka suggested and I nodded. I concentrated on his features and my face slowly formed into looking like Hisoka's. My hair shortened and turned a dark red and I grew a few centimeters in height. I was only able to change every aspect I had seen from him, so not everything. The others eyes widened when he saw my finished transformation.
"Holy.." he muttered and gently cupped my face to look at it from different perspectives. "This is a perfect copy.. do you change /everything/~?" Hisoka glanced down and his fingers played with the waistband of my sweatpants.
"I don't. I can only change what I know about." I calmly pushed away his hand, eventhough my heart was beating like crazy.
"I see~" The taller male smirked and I turned myself back to normal. "This is such a cool and useful technique, it's perfect for an assassin like you~"
"I guess." I nodded.
"Don't be like that, you're so amazing ~" My roommate pulled me into a hug and leaned back so I was laying on his chest. I nuzzled my face into his neck, hugging him back shyly.
"Why are we cuddling?" I muttered softly against his neck.
"Well you don't seem to dislike it, do you~?"
"That doesn't answer my question." He gently rubbed my back and I relaxed into the embrace.
"Well.. you said you've never been hugged before we cuddled in bed, so I feel like you've been lacking a lot of physical affection. That.. and I just really like cuddling with you~" He squeezed me gently and I hid my small smile in his neck.
"You're the weirdest person I've ever met." I stated and the redhead chuckled softly.
"I'll take that as a compliment~"
"Do whatever you please." I shrugged.
"No. Whatever you're thinking of doing.. not that."
"Not even a little bit~?" I felt his large hands slide down my back.
"Hisoka." I growled quietly and the other chuckled again.
"Sorry sorry~" He snickered and held me close, snuggling his face into my hair. For a moment we were just existing together, doing nothing but cuddling, until he broke the silence again.

"It's a bit late for a movie evening now so.. should we go to sleep?"
"I guess we should. We need to get up early again tomorrow." I agreed and got up after Hisoka let me go. We both went into the bathroom, brushed our teeth and I put my hair into a messy bun. When I came back into the main room, Hisoka was laying in his bed already, wearing his boxers and a white T-shirt. I awkwardly stood there, not knowing if I could just join him or if I needed his invitation after having a nightmare at night.
"Don't just stand there, get over here already~" The redhead lifted the corner of the blanket and I awkwardly joined him, still wearing my sweatpants and a black sweater. I nuzzled into his arms and hid my face in the crook of his neck.
"You know, you don't need to wait for me to invite you, right?"
"It still feels weird to me to just cuddle with you so much and so carefree. I mean we only met a few days ago and stuff.." I mumbled softly.
"Yeah, I guess we're pretty close eventhough we haven't known each other for that long.. but I don't mind, we are a great match and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it." Hisoka was gently squeezed me.
"I feel the same."
"That's good to hear~" He snickered quietly. "By the way, wanna do the movie night tomorrow~?"
"Mhm sounds good." I nodded slightly and soon fell asleep.

Writer's Note:
Wow so many new readers ❤ and thank you so much for all the sweet comments, I love to read them 🌸

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