She pleaded me, her eyes glistening with hope. Before I could witness her tears pouring down, I dreadfully looked down at my lap.

Unable to process the best reply.

I wish to stick to him his entire life but i had my own limits.

"Don't leave him. I get it that you are not ready. If you wanna move on, i can't help it but still then please don't discard him out of your life. He may come off as the rude type but he is my soft boy."

Mrs Jeon was crying now. A new feeling of affection invaded me as I gazed at her and realized how much she cares about her son, his well-being.

Wish I had my parents to care for me.

The sole thing my parents did when they found out, somebody died in my college, in my class was mother texting me.


You are not in trouble are you?

No mum


Good. Take care.

And that was it.

"So will you at least think?"
Mrs Jeon asked me with her angelic eyes- the identical one's jungkook inherited.

"I will. I promise I will try to stick to him."

The huge smile that crept on her lips was so worth it.

"About your attack. I have been talking to the police and i guess it's Min Sana. "

I panicked.

But she comforted me.

"Her parents are very close friends of the Jeons. It's gonna be tough bringing her down. But I have talked to my husband. We will prove it. For now stay safe Ara. She will receive her punishments. So you don't worry"
She voiced out as she leaned in to hug me.

We shared a conversation for a long time, exchanged numbers and all.

She was swag. Too cool to be a mum.

By the time she was leaving, awkwardness has left the room. It felt like I got myself a best-friend, I could vomit all my events out to.

"Take care Sweetie. And I know you have friends. But anytime you feel alone, feel free to call me. And next time you will come with me to our house. Okay?"

"Sure auntie."

She waved me bye as she walked out of the main gate and got into her black BMW and vanished.

Mrs Jeon was such a sweetheart. No one has ever taken care of me. I haven't met Mr Jeon yet, but I can tell he is gonna be a sweetheart too considering the fact that he is trying to prove the wrong deeds of Sana for me.

I have been so alone all this time.

Remembering how my mum told Mina's mum to take care of me if i ever need anything, while my parents were gone. Her mum didn't. I once went to there house and they didn't even open the door for me.

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