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Jungkook took a deep breath before entering the library, he peeked in to see if Namjoon was sitting at the front desk. To his horror he saw Hyunwoo leaning over the counter, trying to talk to the older.

"Go in already" Taehyung nudged.

Jungkook closed the door and shook his head, gripping the hot chocolate in his hands "I can't Hyunwoo is in there-"

"Oh my god!" Jimin grabbed the youngers arm and dragged him through the front doors "Now walk over there and give him that damn drink" he demanded.

Jungkook nodded and turned around, biting his bottom lip. He walked over to the front desk and set the drink down "Hey-"

"Jungkook!" Namjoon smiled, and hurriedly stood up, ignoring Hyunwoo.

Jungkook gave a small smile "I brought you a drink, I'm studying here with my friends today" the older thanked Jungkook for the hot chocolate.

Hynwoo frowned as he watched Namjoon fawn over Jungkook. A sly grin crept onto his face "Joonie, are you free later?"

Namjoon bit his bottom lip nervously, trying to figure out what to say when Jungkook intervened "Joon and I have plans later" the younger smiled. Jungkook had no idea where this newfound confidence came from and leaned over the counter, kissing the older on the cheek "Come get me when your shift ends and we can go."

Namjoon nodded, his face burning up "Y-Yeah I will"

Jungkook turned on his heel and walked over to wherever Taehyung and Jimin ran off to. His heart was racing so fast, he had no idea what he had just done. But hopefully, he had done the right thing.

Jimin waved Jungkook over to their table with a giant smile on his face "Did he like the drink? I hope Hyunwoo feels stupid now"

"I think I made plans with him later? I-I'm not sure? I kissed him on the cheek?" Jungkook was coming down from the confidence high. What if Namjoon wanted to hang out with Hyunwoo later? Was the older bugged now?

A door slammed shut, echoing through the library. The group looked over to see Namjoon rubbing his face with his hands.

"Looks like whatever you did worked" Taehyung commented, as he continued to read through his textbook.

"What should I do?" Jungkook asked confused.

Jimin thought for a moment "I say go talk to him, see if he's okay, and comfort him if he's not"

Jungkook simply nodded and stood up from his seat, walking over to Namjoon. He hoped the older was okay.

"H-Hey are you okay?" Jungkook asked quietly when he got to the desk.

Namjoons head shot up "Yeah, I'm fine- Thank you for earlier by the way" silence fell between the two, awkward silence at that. Jungkook awkwardly rubbed his arm trying to think of something to say. "Do wanna help me put some books away? Maybe after we could go on a-a date?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook perked up and excitedly nodded like a puppy. Namjoon giggled and stood up from his desk, grabbing the book cart.

The two mindlessly chatted away as they put books into their proper little homes. The atmosphere was finally light and Jungkook felt like he was floating. Is this what it was like to be in love? If this was it, Jungkook never wanted it to end. He took in every word Namjoon would speak, whether it was about a book he just finished or about a pretty flower he saw on his walk to work. All Jungkook did was listen and that was all he wanted to do; Be by Namjoons side.

Jungkook stared at the older as he spoke about how his morning, Namjoon stopped talking and looked down at the younger "Sorry if I'm boring you" he apologized.

"N-No don't apologize I love hearing you talk!" Jungkook spoke, leaning towards the older. Namjoon smiled and swooped down, capturing Jungkooks lips with his own, "What was that for?" Jungkook asked shyly.

Namjoon chuckled "Does me just wanting to count as a reason?" Jungkook stayed silent, he knew that if he spoke his voice would betray him, he slowly nodded with a shy smile. "Can I kiss you again?" The older asked, his voice so quiet and soft, that it made Jungkook melt like ice cream on a hot summer day. Jungkook nodded again, this time a bit more eager. Namjoon cupped the youngers face gently, he took his time admiring Jungkooks face, taking in all the little details before finally leaning in for another kiss.

It was tender, soft, and full of care. Namjoon made sure to take his time with this, he wanted to remember every detail of this moment. Jungkook was holding onto the olders shirt, just to make sure that when the kiss was over Namjoon was still there and this wasn't all a dream. Their lips fit together perfectly, it was as if the Gods themselves created the two specifically for one another.

Finally, they pulled apart, both breathless. They stared into each other's eyes, not looking for any answers or trying to figure out what the other was thinking, but simply to acknowledge what they both felt. Warm smiles made their way onto their faces, Jungkook stole a quick peck and pulled away.

"Let's finish this up quickly so we can go on our date" Jungkook urged.

Namjoon chuckled as he quickly started to help Jungkook put the books away. He ruffled the youngers hair and placed a quick kiss on top of his head.

Nothing could ever ruin this moment.

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