Family History

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You know Wonder Woman once called Batman Hades. I don't know why but this makes me laugh each time. 

Also up early because I'm going to be dead to the world (Sleep) because of my lack of sleep for the past three to four days. And I hate Coffee, Soda, and energy drinks. All I need is a little make up and I could be an extra zombi in the walking dead.

Also another one of my Favorite quotes.

Happy Reading!


Conner was the only one who heard the boom tube open than close. Was the only one who heard the slight hitch in his breathing as he walked briskly to his room. Kaldur was engrossed in his book, M'gann was cooking super, Wally and Artemis were arguing over the TV remote. Conner heard a door softly close behind him. He didn't even come greet them.

"Where you going?" Wally asked as the krypton got up.

"To my room. You're all too loud." And Conner left down the hall to the rooms. He walked past his room and went up to Renegade's door. He could hear muffled breathing and when it was unmuffled it just hitched. Conner knocked twice before opening the door, "Ren? What's up?" Conner closed the door behind him and the room settled back into darkness.

Renegade sat in his computer chair hunched over his legs, hands ripping at his hair. Conner saw Ren open his mouth only for a hitched cracking sound come from his lips before they shut themselves.

"Renegade?" Conner took the few steps to stand in front of his friend, "Ren?" He crouched down.

"Leave... Please." Ren pulled again at his hair harder.

Conner reached out and forcefully uncurled the merciless hands from Ren's hair, "What's wrong?" Internally he called out to M'gann, "M'gann can you send Kal to Ren's room?"

"Sure. Is there something wrong?"

"Don't know. Just send Kal. No one else."

"He's on his way."


Ren trembled, "Please, leave me."

A soft knock came once before Kaldur slipped in, "You wanted me- Renegade?" Kaldur walked over, taking a knee down next to Conner, "Renegade, what's wrong?"

Ren shook his head, reaching up with his hands once more to tug at his hair. Conner caught the wrists gently and brought them back down. Kaldur tentatively reached out and lifted Ren's head up by the chin. Ren pulled back, turning his head away from them.

"Leave me alone."

Kaldur frowned, "If you wanted to be alone, you would have shoved us out and locked your room. Renegade, what's wrong? We want to help."



"My name is Richard Grayson. Ra' and I just figured it out."

Conner tilted his head, "This should be good news, yes?"

Ren laughed bitterly, "It was until I leaned that I killed my own parents."

Conner's grip on Ren's wrists slowly slipped off, "You what?"

"I didn't even know they were my parents." Renegade reached up to start pulling at his hair again, "I was four. The court just pointed and said kill. I didn't know. I didn't, didn't know." His breathing hitched as it became faster and faster.

Kaldur took Renegade's face into his webbed hands, "Renegade, calm down. Deep breaths. None of us are going to hold this against you. You were young. You had no clue. Deep breaths."

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