Keeping the unbothered face on was a part of my personal training. To let people see only what I allow them too, whether I show too much to persuade through my emotions, or whether I show too little which makes them want more so they trail after me like an imprinted duckling. They become my bitch one way or the other. 

Halfway through the flight, I heard Sorin shuffle and sit down next to me.

"Change in plans, we are meeting for dinner with the Sage family at their house tomorrow." I looked over at him, his dirty blond hair displayed messily on his forehead and his hazel eyes slightly narrowed in a tired manner. He had just woken up from a nap.

"What's so special about the Sage family," I asked. I never thought important enough to do my research. They just were not worth my time the way the Seven were.

"You'll see," said Sorin. A satisfied look broke through the tired one, his dimples showing up at the fake smile he gave me. His hand went to my jaw, thumb stroking my cheek. "And you'll wish you never did." He stood up and went to the back of the plane, probably the bathroom to fix his appearance before we landed.

I was so glad I was the one to get to kill that asshole. He seems to know my lack of research on the Sage family, and I can't look into it without WiFi; Sorin never gave me the password.

I shut my eyes, my brain going back to the one time I had a shortcoming. I have never once forgotten a face and to not realize where I had seen Laurent. Someone about his face was just annoying me. The familiarity hit me in a way the other Wilson family's faces hadn't.

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, hoping to get some sleep before we landed. I reclined my chair shut my window.


"Sorin, you do not need to sleep on this bed. No one is going to know if you sleep on the floor or the couch. The hotel is nice and expensive, the floor can't be too bad," Sorin just did not need to be in my bed, and if he thought that I would let him in after a long and exhausting day on the flight and the drive here, he was just insane. Arrogant and an ass, but that only made him more insane.

"If the floor is so nice, why don't you take it then?" He asked and I nearly laughed.

"We both know I deserve better than you," I replied getting onto the bed. "Fine whatever, get in, but the second I'm annoyed, I'm kicking you out of here whether it's physically or verbally. Understood?"

"No. I'm staying because I'm exhausted Selene," He rolled his eyes.

I ignored his comment and pulled the blankets over me after I heard him get in. I can feel him inches away from me, and I slightly inch back into him, solely too annoy him. I hear him mumble 'bitch' under his breath and I scoot foreword and away from him, closing my eyes hoping for a blissful sleep before having to meet the Sage family tomorrow.

Sorin kept me suspiciously busy through out the day and I barely had any time to do any research relating to the Sage family. I will have to before tomorrow. The insane amount of press time he has to do is insane. Half of the things we did— places we ate, gift shops, sightseeing— was based on the amount of paparazzi there to 'catch us'. I could never live like him. Nor did I want to.

I closed my eyes, hoping that my exhaustion and tiredness is enough to overpower how much I am overthinking. I slow my breaths and still myself hoping that playing asleep will help me achieve it, but instead I hear the other side of the bed slowly creek as Sorin gets up.

I keep my eyes closed, slightly cracking them open along with my mouth, hoping to look dead asleep. I expect Sorin to head to the bathroom, but his annoying ass walks over to the computer and onto the balcony, which he doesn't fully close and he puts on the headphones.

"No, she's asleep don't worry about it," He whispers to the other person. I lay still in bed not making breath too loud, hoping I can get information but only Sorin's responses. "She'll find out tomorrow. We have things going according to plan right now. You can trust me she won't know before tomorrow night, I would know if she did." A pause. "Because if she had known anything, she would know everything. One look and she'd know; she's insanely smart, but even the dumbest person could figure this out."

Obviously, he was talking about me.

Sorin hung up without letting the other person respond and head to the bathroom. Now would be the perfect time to go through his work if I was in a movie, but I'm not stupid. Whatever happens tomorrow, and I will just have to deal with it. The closer I stick to his plan, the less suspicion I bring upon myself.

After myself in a business casual outfit with black jeans and a beige long sleeved blouse with gold jewelry and black stilettos, I went down to breakfast before Sorin was even awake.

For an old money man, he woke up late. Weren't men like him supposed to 

But I used that to my advantage as I head out around the city before him looking for a nice cafe to eat. I ordered a black coffee with a coffee cake muffin and sat at a table near the corner as I pulled out my phone to research the Sage family.

I couldn't find many. They lived a pretty private life and I could only find pictures taken by the paparazzi. No formal family photos or dinner parties or events. Sorin was right about Thalia. We had the same shade of hair, but I couldn't make out what her face looked like since the image was clearly taken from a distance.

Sorin's name popped up on my phone.

"What? I'm eating."

"Where?" He asked, as if I would tell him.

"The light pink cafe across the street. It nice here." I hung up on him, going back to my coffee and muffin.

A few moments later he showed up in an olive green top with black pants and shoes with a belt and watch strapping matching the exact shade of his obsidian shoes.

"We have shit to do. Hurry up," Sorin said, whilst shoving an egg sandwich down his throat, while I was nearly done. I excused myself to the bathroom to touch up my lips and perfume before leaving.

"It took you long enough," Whispered a voice when I entered. I looked to see Asteria Geoffrey standing in the corner, somehow looking even better than our last meeting. "Listen, I don't have long. You don't have long either. It's too late." She spoke carefully, as if each word that came out of her mouth was capable of murder. She took a deep breath, sucking in her lips before continuing. "Listen to what I'm about to say. Take whatever you want of this, but by warning you, I've done my job. What happens next is up you.

"You are in for it tonight. You shouldn't be here, Selene Keir." Her emphasis on my fake last name told me enough. She handed me a card, before taking it back. She shoved it into my top. "Call me when things get weird. Or don't. I don't care." She rushed out, refusing to let me respond.

It can't be too bad, I thought to myself as I left the cafe.

We spent the day around Ellis, knowing exactly where the 'discreet' paparazzi was following us. They were so easy to spot, my whole idea of a whole game of being able to spot and out them was crushed in seconds.

The key to paparazzi was flirting with the cameras. If they believe you're giving the people a good show, they'll say nicer things about you. Smile at the lens, wink at the end of a sentence, look away when you laugh as if you're embarrassed. The people are worse that the paparazzi, they'll analyze you to the end over the smallest move. The paparazzi just post and move on.

It was a game.

What was the point of a game with no thrill and danger to it?

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