12; The semi-formal

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Season 2 episode 13 "Girl meets semi formal"

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Season 2 episode 13 "Girl meets semi formal"

I know y'all have been waiting for this.

"Mom," Eric walked to Delilah, who was in the kitchen table doing some work, "can I go to a friend's house tonight?"

"No," She answered without looking at him.

"Why?" He asked, "Come on, everyone will be going!" He complained.

"I'm really sorry, honey," She looked at him, "but you gotta babysit Doy tonight." She explained.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Cory called me saying that they didn't have enough chaperones for the semi-formal," She started, "so I'll have to be there."

"And what about dad?" He asked.

"He has a really important meeting today," She talked, "he doesn't know when he'll be back."

"Mom, please." He insisted, "Can't you hire a babysitter?"

"Eric!" She talked loudly at him, "Is it really that important?"

"I just finished a week full of tests," He complained, "I just wanted to have some fun."

Delilah sighed and took her phone.

"I'm going to call grandma," She talked, "If she's free and accepts to take care of Doy, you'll go." She explained. "If not, you're staying."

"Thanks mom." He kissed her cheek and left.


Jack walked inside Topanga's, where he had agreed to meet with the person.

"Why, agent Lachance," He heard Eric talk yo his secret agent, "this might just be the start of the best friendship since--" He aproached him from the back, "Jack, who was that guy I used to know?" Eric turned around.

"What's up, buddy?" Jack asked with a smile.


"Eric!" They hugged. "How are you doing?" Jack asked.

"I'm a senator now, didn't you hear?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, it's the end of the world." Jack said with fake excitement making Eric laugh.

"Probably. So," Eric paused, "I mean, what are you doing here?" Eric asked.

"What? I need a reason to see my friend" Jack asked.

"So, we're still friends?" Eric asked, "Cause I haven't seen you in a really long time." He said with sadness in his voice.

"Not a day goes by that your voice still isn't inside my head." Jack smiled and then dropped it, "No matter what I do."

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