"That's what they all say. Okay you're all done!" My uncle says stepping back again.

Aaron observes my uncles work. Then he holds out his freshly tattooed pinky and I don't hesitate to take it. Aaron looks at them. "Woah, Lana this was a great idea!" he says.

"See?! You're always doubting my genius ability." I grin.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Why don't you go get lunch or something?" He asks.

I shrug. "Okay." And I make my way to the food court.


Aaron's P.O.V.

I watch Lana as she walks out the door and as soon as it closes tight I turn to her uncle.

"Can you give me one more tattoo?" I ask desperately.

"Yeah sure kid, where you want it?" He asks.

I think for a second. "Right over my heart." I finally say.

"Okay, you ready now?" he asks.

I nod. "Tattoo me."

As he starts I think of nearly everything. Everything that I have gone through in the last few years with Lana. She was with me when my parents left, and I was there through that whole situation with her dad, who I might even consider beating the shit out of someday, or never. The doctors told us a while ago that there's almost no chance of me surviving, so now I'm just waiting. Waiting for the black sheet of death. Dreading the day that I will leave Lana alone on this planet, with no one else to understand her.

She's not like other girls, she's quirky, with her own special flaws and ways. I think I'm in love with her, but maybe I'm just a bit crazy, but I could also never tell her, knowing that it would only hurt her more when I left her here alone. I know everything about her, and I know what she's been through. I love everything about her, even the fact that she's in love with One Direction, that she loves that Niall Horan guy, even though he will probably never know her name.

I wish that she could meet him. Maybe get to know him, maybe they could be friends. But maybe he could love her like I do, and treat her like I would. There's so much craziness in this world and even when I know that I could spend forever with Lana I know that I will never ever have my forever with her.

I hate my body for giving me this flaw. This flaw that will kill me. But hey, there's always a reason.


Lana's P.O.V.

Food glorious food. I dive into a piece of pumpkin pie. My favorite. Aaron was right I was hungry. But I really only wanted something sweet to eat. I grab a bottle of water and pay for both and make my way back up to Aarons room. Feeling pretty motivated now that I just downed that piece of pie I decide to take the stairs. I take them two at a time and sure enough I'm up at his floor within five minutes. I pull out my iPhone and plug in my headphones and hit play. Sure enough One Direction's latest album Take Me Home starts playing. As if on cue to make me feel better about devouring that pie, Little Things comes on. I, being the Directioner I am, starts singing all the words and not messing up once. It takes me a good twenty minutes to get back to Aarons room and the whole time I was jamming out so I didn't really mind.

"Hey Aaron I'm gonna jump in the shower." I say entering the room and pulling out my headphones.

"Okay, but come here first. I wanna show you what I got you." He says smiling.

"Aww what is it?!" I ask walking over.

He pulls his hospital gown down to just below his heart. And I see the second tattoo. It says 'Lana + Aaron= Best Friends Forever.' then around the outside in a circle it says 'If you fall, I fall. If I fall, you fall.' It's absolutely amazing.

"Aaron!" I say smiling.

"Do you like it?" He asks cheeks growing a rosy color.

"I love it!" I reply smiling.

"Good. Now go take a shower you stink!" He says.

"Shut up!" I say smiling. "I'm going."

The hospital.. Well it's a REALLY nice hospital. There's a huge bathroom and shower and the whole room is amazing. So most nights I don't go home I just kinda stay here with Aaron. I always pick a One Direction song to listen to in the shower and lately I've just been going through Take Me Home. I've been through it like 15 times... Well I'm starting 16. It looks like my shower song today is Little Things. I don't mind that at all. So as I scrub shampoo into my hair I sing along as loud as I can. But when it gets to Nialls solo I stop singing. I always have just liked listening to Niall sing his solos. I don't try to sing along I just mouth the words and let him sing to me. Then of course the song starts up again and I belt out every other word. I rinse the shampoo out of my hair and grab my soap from my bad and run it across my body a few times. Then I turn the water off and step out.

I quickly get dressed in some random skinny jeans and my turquoise free hugs t-shirt. Then put my long blond hair up into a messy bun and roll on some deodorant before exiting the bathroom to see Aaron messing around on my laptop.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind I just wanted to check something out." He says eyes casting up to look at my outfit.

"It's fine." I say wandering towards him to look at what he's doing but he pulls the screen away from me.

"What? I can't see?" I say putting on my best pouty face.

"It's a secret." He says smiling.

"Okayyy...." I reply.

"Just look at it like a Christmas gift." he says.

"No Aaron I don't want you spending money on me!" I protest.

'Lana, it's fine. I mean what am I gonna do with it? It's not like I can go anywhere. And its not like I'm ever gonna spend it anyway. I won't get the chance." He says fading at the end a bit.

My mouth hangs open. He did not just say that. I mean the doctors did tell us that he didn't have a lot of time left. But we never really talked about it....

I don't notice I'm crying until I feel Aaron squeeze my hand.

"Lana? I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry." he says.

"It's okay. I get it. Umm.." I glance at the clock. "We can talk more about that later.. If you want? But mum's gonna be here soon so I'm gonna go wait for her near the door..." I say trying to avoid eye contact for the moment.

"Okay.... " Aaron says squeezing my hand again.

I lean down and kiss his head, before I grab my iPhone and headphones and head out the door.

I'm shaking so bad that I can barely put my headphones into the headphone jack of my phone. And when I hit play I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz starts playing and for some reason that song just kinda hit a nerve. And as I thought about losing Aaron within the next 2 months I started to shake and cry. And eventually on my way to the door I just press my back against the wall, sit down, and cry.


Meh. the next chapter is gonna be sad. now its 10 here so i gotta go. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hopefully 1D will come in, in the next chapter or the one after but we shall see! i reallllllllllly want a tattoo but i cant get one yet. it was fun writing about them though!


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