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J pov

In the middle of the night I got a call from cheryl saying that the seprents were fighting with the ghoulies. I got there and saw none other than penny peabody. "OH jonsey do you know what your getting yourself into" "Just stop penny" "You know I could always take the most precious thing from you like i dont know perhaps... that little infant that you planted inside your wife. Well she was probabaly a mistake anyway" "Dont Touch Her!" "wow I really thought I would get more of a reactio- Wait. I know." "You know what Penny" "I know that little baby Juliet Isnt the thing you love most, because your precious little wifey Elizibeth Marie Jones. Mabye we should take her away" "NO BECAUSE I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH HER I WILL-" "jug?" said a sleepy betty. "shit" I whisperd to myself. "Damn JOnes you in troubleeee ohhhh" said cheryl. "shut it cheryl" i said. "JUGHEAD GET YOUR ASS IN THE DAMN CAR!" Betty screamed at me. 

The ride home was silent but the tension was there. When we got home Betty went inside and slammed the door. I just waited in the car for about an hour scared about what was going to happen. When I went inside I saw Betty with a glass of wine in her hand. She looked and saw me sighed then said, "Im not going to yell at you because i dont want to wake up Juliet but waht the fuck was that Jughead?" Blame your cousion she called me in the middle of the night to come help me with the money" "Well can you do something like idk sue them...... you are rich after all" "Well what do you want me to do" "JUghead you have been so bad latley, you drink more, you dont play with Juliet as much, Mabye marrying you was a mistake" She said then took off her ring and went upstairs to bed. I heald her ring tight close to me and fell assleep on the couch. 

I woke up to a... pleasent feeling down there. I looked and there was Betty giving me a... blowjob? "Betty  what are you doing? I thought you were mad at me" "oh I was but then I thought about it and its a stupid reason to be mad at you. Im so sorry Juggie" She opened my hand and took her ring and put it back on. "Betty stop you dont need to 'please me'" "Oh but I do" "Fine whatever. Also I was there because Penny Peapody threatend your life and I couldnt let that happen" "Oh baby its ok I know that you wouldnt let that happen. I love you" "I love you too"

Authors note- I have no idea what to happen next so if you have any ideas pls lmk.

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