One year later TW

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This year has been filled with 3 things, wedding planning, dissapointment, and negative pregnancy tests. We ahve been very sad and i have gone to the doctor sevral times but they said i was clear. But here we are with another test hoping for a positive result. i flip it over and............ negative. "Its ok jug mabye it just not our time" "Yea mabye" He says wiping the tears from under hi eyes. Later when jug left i started braking down with no one there to help me. "WHY CANT I HAVE A GOD DAMN BABY!?" I screamed. throwing a negitive test against the wall and sliding down the door crying. I wrote a note to jug saying how much i loved him. I grabbed a blade filled up the bathtub, got in, and started cutting my wrists. I didnt care I just sat there and blead out of my arms.

10 minutes later

Jughead POV

I opened the door and called for betty. I know she was still greiving over the baby thing. I called for her but no answer. I imidatly thought something was wrong and ran upstairs. i ran in our room and i read a note that she had wrote for me. the bathroom door was locked i started banging on it and screaming. "BETTY OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW" no answer. "ELIZABETH COOPER OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I started crying. I whispered to myself ehile holding my knees to my chest. "She might be gone for good" I kicked down the door and saw her there i broke down. I went closer and ran my  hands over her arms. i noticed they werent that deep and she was still breathing. i got her out and wraped up her arms. then i put clothes on her and all i could do was wait. About an hour later she woke up confused. "Jug?" I looked back over at her she had woke up. i didnt say anything i just hugged her. "Baby you scared me, dont evr do that again. EVER! DO YOU HEAR ME!" "yes". "I love you" "I love you too."

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