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Max sat in the doctor's office while Adam sat in the waiting room. A small knock came from the door, Ryder's main doctor coming in for replacement at the moment.

"So Max, you think something's wrong with you?" The doctor asks, sitting on the rolling chair facing the computer.

"Yes sir, I always have this voice in my head," Max explained. The doctor nodded to show that he was listening.

"So would you like to do a MRI or CT scan? Perhaps another alternative?" The doctor continues to question.

"What's the alternative?" Max asked.

"That would be a blood test," he responded.

Max thought of the options for a minute and took a deep breath. "The blood test," Max decided.

"Before we get started with that I'd like to remind you that you'll get a call within a couple days," The doctor explained.

After the blood test Adam walked Max home and the ginger went inside. Once in his room Max's mind remembered that Ryder wants him to move out so he pulled out his laptop and went to a website. "State wise? Let's go more central since family is in the east and west," Max told himself then settled on Texas.

After filling out what he was looking for he began to search. A soft knock came from the door. "Max, can I come in?" Ross asked.

"Uhm yeah, sure," Max replied, with the door creaking open and Ross then sitting on the bed. He glanced at Max's computer screen.

"You're leaving again?" He asked sadly glancing over at Max who slipped his glasses back on.

"I mean Ryder suggested it so why not," Max responded.

"Can I go with you?"


"Why not?"


Max made some adjustments and they began looking. There was an affordable one in Dallas and they then got onto the  confirmination process. After a while Ross checked his phone to check the time and it was midnight. The two would be able to move next week on Wednesday so Ross was getting everything he needed sneakily from Tim's house.

"Max it's midnight-" Ross began turning to look at Max who was asleep. He held Max's hand carelessly making the gingers cheeks go pink. Ross saw the blush and instantly knew what he was hiding, his true and real feelings for Max.

Gently he pressed himself into Max's body that then wrapped his arms around Ross. The next morning Max woke up and got startled by how he slept with Ross. The gingers phone rang, which he picked up.

"Hi this is the doctor speaking," he said.

"What is it doctor?" Max asked calmly.

"Sir... you have schizophrenia," the doctor spoke into the phone.

Max's heart dropped due to him being at a loss for words. The doctor quietly hung up and Max got up and rushed himself into the bathroom, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"Now that I think about it, it makes sense, why was I so clueless?" He muttered while looking at himself.

"Max come on, we need to continue packing," Ross called out. Max splashed water on his face and went back to Ross.

"I forgot to tell you that I'm gay," Ross adds. Max hid it deep down that he was pansexual but he didn't want to stress out Ross. "What are you? If anything?"

Max grunted in response really not wanting to answer as he packed his things to put in the car. "Please?" Ross practically begged.

"Pan, I'm pansexual," Max answered.

They finished packing and put the stuff in the car. As Max was putting in the last bag and bringing his body out of the trunk Ross grabbed his wrist.

"What?" Max asked, facing him and closing the trunk with his free hand. Ross didn't say anything and just pressed his lips against Max's startling the ginger. Once Ross pulled away from the kiss he saw Max's pink face standing there.

"I... uhm...," Max tried to form a sentence but couldn't. The area around them was empty which Ross was thankful because he was slightly embarrassed by Max's behavior.

"I knew what happened when I came back to my senses, I just went along with it because I didn't want to tell you how I felt," Ross said with a small smile as he stared at Max.

He walked back to the apartment as Max stood there, arms folded across his chest, someone came up to him. "You good man? Your face is all red," Adam told him.

Max looked up in surprise from being startled. "Well I mean, Ross kissed me, how do I handle this?" Max responded.

"Tell him how you feel then," Adam told him. Later the curly haired one left so Max made his way back to the apartment. Once inside he scanned the area, then going into his room to see Ross with KP.

Smiling softly Max sat down on the ground, KP rubbing herself against him. "We're leaving tomorrow, isn't that crazy?" Max asks Ross. They were leaving a day early so that they could be ready in advance.

"Yeah it is," Ross said in response. Max moved himself over to sit on the bed and laid down, he was tired from doing a lot on that very Tuesday. Ross hugged Max from his side making the other guys arm wrap around Ross. "I love you Max, so much," Ross muttered before he dosed off to sleep.

Max just accepted the feeling that Ross gave him and finally muttered his response, "I love you too Ross."

KP jumped up on the bed and fell asleep. The next morning Ryder walked in to see them and KP, helping them get into Max's car then grabbing his passport. Then he took the long drive to Texas.

Max slowly woke up and was surprised. "Ryder, what the actual fuck?" He asked.

"I wanted to go ahead and get a start, oh here's the airport, have fun Max!" Ryder said with joy, then getting out handing Max the keys. The ginger got in on the drivers side and started driving when the car was ready.

Soon they made it too the house. Everything was going to be different.

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