This is it

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Celestia's POV

It has been a week since Kyoko and I have engaged in that intimacy.

After that moment with Kyoko,I felt even closer to her.I fell even more in love with her,I may add. I thought to myself as I was preparing some things in my dorm, sprinkling some rose petals on my bed.

I took a step back and took a look at my work.There were rose petals sprinkled on my bed,a bouquet of purple petunias and a small box sitting on the bed.

I smiled to myself,seeing my work. I supposed this is it. I thought to myself.I exited my dorm to search for Kyoko.

I started to feel a bit nervous,my heart beat slightly racing.I went to her door and knocked.My hands were starting to sweat.

Not long,I heard her as she opened the door."Celes?Did you need something." She asked.

"Ah!Yes!I..I need you to come with me."  I replied.

The female just nodded and went out of her dorm as she closed the door.I smiled at her and grabbed her hand.She made a little surprised face,which made me giggle.

I took her to the recreational room and as we got the,she was confused.

"Did you want to play?" She asked, pointing at the chess board.

"Yes." I replied and smiled. Of course,I had a few cards up my sleeve.I made this day quite special for her. "But not that." I added.

"Oh,I see." Kirigiri replied, looking around the room.

"I hid something in this room and it is your mission as a detective to find it." I stated.

"And what will I benefit from that?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"And that's a surprise." I replied.

She looked at me for a bit, silent but then began to giggle. God,she's adorable.

"Very well.." She replied

"Very well then..You may now start searching.I am counting on you, detective." I said in a serious tone.

She nodded at me and started searching around the room.As was smiling as I watched her roam around the room.I gave her a few hints and she did not seem to struggle with her Mission.

Not long,she has found a small box that had a piece of paper and a small rose inside it.

"The Kitchen." is what it said on the paper.

She picked up the rose and the piece of paper then faced me.She held it up for me to see it.

"Oh,you found it." I said, acting surprised. I stood up from my seat and held her hand to lead her to the kitchen.As we were walking,I saw a small smile form on her lips.

As we got to the kitchen,she immediately began her mission. First,she went to look in the cabinets,then the pantries and she even looked at the fridge,which made me let out a small laugh.

Finally,she found it.It was placed behind the counter.She opened the small box and there was a small flower,a daisy to be exact and of course,a piece of paper. She picked it up and read the piece of paper.

"The Library."

I held her hand again and escorted her to the library.As we got there,she was about to begin her search,not until I stopped her.

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