136 - What could possibly go wrong?

Começar do início

He had killed 15 monsters in 8 minutes since he entered the Fortress, but the screen said the Fortress had more than 50 monsters in total, so he would need to kill 35 more monsters and the Boss in 15 minutes... that was almost impossible.

'Shit, this is very unfair. If I win, my reward will be just 2 points of statistics, but if I can't complete it, I will lose 4 points??? It is double what I would gain; the potential risk is not worth it...' Noah thought, as he stared at the mission screen that floated in front of him, just waiting for him to accept the mission to disappear.

Fortunately the option to reject the mission was still active, otherwise he would be very angry to be forced to do something, but even thinking that this mission was disadvantageous, only the statistical points he would receive would be enough to increase his energy by another 18% of what it was today... which was a significantly high increase, after all. In situations where he couldn't burn someone and needed to escape, having extra energy would always be good, not to mention that it would be almost 1/5 more energy. Putting it into numbers, it would look like he had 10,000 energy, and by completing the quest it would go up to almost 12,000.

Looking around the destroyed camp, Noah calculated it was actually possible to complete. Terrence had already located 4 more holes, leaving only 31 more and the Boss, but given the speed with which Terrence was locating these holes, Noah thought that it might be possible to complete this mission, so with regret he clicked [Accept].

'I warned you,' Lilith said in a winning voice. 'You cursed us to have misfortune, and the misfortune is that maybe you lose the statistics equivalent to a level?'

'Please, Lilly, no. Let's change that view to something more positive, something like, , you know?' Noah responded to it, as he immediately teleported to one of the four holes Terrence had located.

Now with a time limit and urgently, their speed when killing the monsters had almost doubled, but that was still not enough. They were killing 15 monsters every 5 minutes, which meant 1 monster every 20 seconds, but that had to increase. It would require even more dedication from Terrence, who was trying his best to locate the hole patterns and pinpoint where the other monsters were with the aerial view he had.

Noah would just teleport to where Terrence indicated and set the place on fire.

Little by little, their speed was increasing, and with the speed, their exp was also rising rapidly.

Noah had observed a pattern: 100% of the exp they received, 50% went to Noah, 25% to Lilith, and 25% to Terrence. Noah thought this was a good division, since he was the one who most needed Exp.

And receiving 50% of the exp from each monster was much better than receiving 6%, which was how much he received when sharing the exp with 14 other people. Of course, with the other group, they killed monsters much more powerful than the ones they were killing in this Fortress, which consequently gave him more exp, increasing this number from 6% to something around 20%. But still, it was as if for each monster he killed now, he received the equivalent exp of 2.5 monsters that he might have killed with the team, which greatly increased his efficiency.

Not to mention that Noah was excited to receive the $7,000 at the end of the fortress. 'Hehe ...' He laughed as he remembered the money.

Thus, by increasing their speed of killing monsters, they finally managed to kill all 35 remaining monsters in less than 10 minutes, which left only 5 minutes with which to fight the Boss.

If someone had told a team of Blessed that they would only have 5 minutes to deal with a Boss, they would probably feel angry at that person and would spit on them until they drowned. Trying to kill a Boss in such a short time would only increase the difficulty of everything, causing them to make more mistakes, not to mention that they might not even do enough damage to the Boss to try to accomplish this feat.

But Noah was the other way around, seeing on the mission time counter that he still had 5 minutes left, and that at the moment he had so much energy that, just as the system had said, he was starting to overwhelm himself, Noah was confident in trying to drown that Boss in fire, and make this battle much faster than it would normally be.

Terrence had already found the exact location of the Boss's lair on the mountain a few minutes ago while he was looking for other monster holes, so the only thing Noah needed to do was go to that place. What he, of course, was going to do now was try his hardest to kill the Boss quickly and get the maximum benefits from it.

Even more, seeing that he had completed almost 30% of the exp bar, Noah felt that leveling up was not so far away now.

[User: Noah Stern

Level: 03, 431/1600 exp

HP: 14/14

Strength: 20

Agility: 14

Stamina: 15

Mana: 11


(Hell Flames Lv 04, 300/12500 exp.

[Fireball] [Fire Dagger] [Temporary name: Incredibly Handsome Flaming Explosion Spider Web of Hell] [Healing Flames])

(Hell Tunneling Lv 02, 79/1500 exp.)]

[User: Lilith ????

Level: 02, 146/1000 exp.]

[User: Terrence

Level: 01, 146/200 exp.]


Lucifer's Descendant System Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora