Chapter Thirteen: British Home Wrecker

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Dream struggled to get the first drink down, it burning as it hit his taste buds, tasting as though somebody had poured their back wash into his mouth, the cheap alcohol so much worse than he could've possibly imagined. 

It wasn't that he hadn't had his fair share of underage drinking, but that didn't mean he had to enjoy it. In truth, Dream wasn't even sure why he was drinking, as after Junior year's incident, he had vowed to never drink again.

Let's just say, Dream had to have had at least five different types of beer, and that pool had looked so refreshing, and he felt so gross. All he wanted to do was take a little dip, and somehow he had wound up in Sapnap's backseat, sucking down strawberry milkshakes like his life depended on it.

It doesn't make sense on paper, but it doesn't make anymore sense in Dream's head. Nobody has the full story, however Dream certainly remembers how intense the hangover was, and that was history he never wanted to repeat.

Dream was about to toss his solo cup into the trash and leave, but something - or rather someone - caught his eye before his hand released its grip on his cup. As he looked over who he had seen, eyeing them up and down, he idly filled up his cup with whatever suspicious liquor was sloshing around in the punch bowl, and then headed off towards the direction of the person.

He didn't know this person, in fact Dream had never seen this person in his life. It was unusual, as most people his age were at least somewhat familiar, him having either aged with them, or had seen them at some of the local teen hangouts.

Everyone shared similar social spaces, and if you didn't recognize someone from school, you'd have definitely seen them at the local skate park or on the warmer days, the recreational center's outdoor pool.

Dream rolled up his sleeves and confidently walked up to the person standing in the corner. The stranger seemed oddly uncomfortable, his hands fiddling with each other, and he was licking his lips frantically - not that Dream was looking.

There was a faltering moment where the alcohol seemed to disappear from Dream's system entirely and he considered the logical option of turning around and heading out the front door, completely abandoning this shitty party.

But, deciding Dream's decisions all had to be poorly made, his mind told him to keep on moving, and that's exactly what he did.

"Hey," Dream reached out a hand as he approached the boy, "You don't seem to be having much fun."

He looked at Dream with surprise, as he apparently hadn't seen Dream approaching him. Dream laugh comfortably, settling in closer to the stranger's side - proper greetings and boundaries be damned.

"Well, actually," He turned to face Dream, a suddenly noticeable sparkle in his eyes, that Dream caught himself staring into, "if you must know, my friend is hosting this party, and I simply don't feel comfortable, and the alcohol isn't doing wonders as my friends had proposed."

Dream sighed quietly, barely audible beneath the blasting music, seemingly picked from a playlist made up of the worst party songs ever. He took a deep breath before giving it his all, giving in to all his temptations, and turned to face this extremely attractive man.

"I'm not having much of a great time either," He laughed, "My friend actually bailed on me last minute, so I'm here alone. I'm not actually sure why I came."

"I dunno. Maybe you had a psychic vision that you'd find the hottest guy here and go get him a drink."

Dream rolled his eyes, but still grabbed onto his acquaintance's hand and pulled him through the crowd, back towards that awful kitchen.

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