Chapter 2

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Arriving home, Jessica went straight up to her room. It was just as she remembered it: no changing table and no crib. That was a relief. It was not, however, devoid of diapers. There were two in her purse, which she took out and threw under her bed.

Slightly ashamed of what she had done and a little nervous that Mrs. Roberts might have seen the diapers in her purse, she decided to block the incident from her mind. School was out for the summer; there was a lot of fun to be had.

Jessica decided that the best thing she could do was go to bed. With any luck, her mind would be a little clearer tomorrow. She undressed, put on a summer nightgown, and laid down to go to sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow, Jessica told herself.

Whether or not that was true would remain to be seen. Jessica drifted off to sleep, her thumb drifting comfortably back into her mouth as she slipped into the land of dreams.

As if it were possible, this dream was even stranger than the one she had earlier. This time, it was as if Jessica were filming a movie. Her point-of-view, the "camera," zoomed around her room like a homing device set on "diaper." The camera would eventually switch to focusing only on Jessica, who, unlike her last dream, was sleeping in her regular bed. Jessica then saw a figure approach her sleeping self. The figure moved the blankets from the bed to reveal her lower body. She was about to be diapered. But this time, it was her grown, seventeen-year-old body and not some strange mixture of her mind encased in a real baby's body.

The angle changed, and what she saw was unbelievable—it was her mother who was about to diaper her. She unfolded one of the diapers and laid it down on Jessica's bed. She grabbed Jessica's ankles, lifting her bottom from the surface of her bed, and gently laid her back down after placing the diaper between her legs. Her mother then sprinkled Jessica's diaper area with baby powder and rubbed it in. She pulled the diaper up between Jessica's legs and taped it into place. Jessica saw herself sit up on her bed as her mother brought her a pink t-shirt that showed off her midriff and, rather obviously, her diaper. Her mother stood her up, took a good look at her, and then hugged her tightly, patting her diapered bottom lovingly. "You're such a good baby girl," her mother told her.

Her mother took her hand and led her downstairs in just her t-shirt and diaper as if it were perfectly normal. This dream was certainly strange. Her mother led her to the table where there was a high chair waiting for her. Her mother picked her up, placed her in the chair, and strapped her in before replacing the chair's tray. A bib was tied around her neck, and some jars of baby food were placed onto the tray.

"Elizabeth, please come feed your sister," Jessica heard her mother say. She was mortified. Not only has her sister seen her in diapers, but her sister spoon-feeding her was a regular occurrence as well. Elizabeth came into the room and pulled out a baby spoon from the silverware drawer. Elizabeth then opened the first jar and began spoon-feeding her sister.

Much to her surprise, the self sitting in the high chair ate the baby food without any protest, as if she knew she was a baby. Once she finished eating, Elizabeth rinsed out the jars of baby food, wiped her mouth, took her bib off, and let her out of the high chair. Elizabeth then went to the fridge and took out a bottle of juice. She led Jessica to the couch, where she sat down and beckoned Jessica to lay her head on her sister's lap. Jessica did so. Elizabeth brought the nipple of the bottle to her sister's lips, and, without missing a beat, Jessica took it into her mouth. Jessica sucked on the bottle gently, looking at her sister lovingly all the while. She had just finished the bottle when she heard her alarm clock go off.

Jessica awoke, startled to find that she was once again in the room of her seventeen-year-old self. She was not wearing a diaper. She was never bottle-fed by her sister. She was, however, once again sucking her thumb.

At that moment, Jessica realized that putting this out of her mind wasn't going to be easy. She got dressed and went downstairs to watch television. She turned on the news. She figured that the news station was least likely to show anything diaper-related. Still, she was self-conscious. She felt like she had "diaper girl" written across her forehead in permanent marker. Elizabeth came into the room and sat down beside her sister.

"Since when did you start watching the news?" Elizabeth asked.

"There was nothing else on," Jessica replied with a forced cool.

"Not usually when I start watching the news, but to each their own, I suppose. I'm going to see what's for breakfast. You enjoy your news."

Just as Elizabeth got up and left, the television cut to a commercial. Much to Jessica's chagrin, it was an advertisement for Huggies diapers. Just what she needed. However, instead of changing the channel, she sat there mesmerized by what she saw. The babies looked so adorable and happy parading around in nothing but their diapers. She had a mind to run upstairs to her room, lock her door, and try on one of the diapers she had taken the night before. Just as she was about to get up, Elizabeth's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Breakfast is ready! It's waffles," she said.

"Oh. Thanks," replied Jessica, trying not to sound as startled as she felt.

Heading to the table, Jessica tried to shake herself from her reverie. She grabbed some waffles and began to butter them, feeling the most self-conscious she had ever felt. When she poured syrup on her waffles, she nearly spilled some all over her top.

"Are you okay, Jess?" her mother asked. "You seem distracted this morning."

"Yeah, Mom. I'm okay. I guess I'm still tired."

"Perhaps. By the way, Mrs. Roberts called and asked if you'd babysit for Amanda again tomorrow between five and ten. She and Mr. Roberts want to go to a dinner that his company is hosting.

At the mention of the Roberts, Jessica felt a pang of guilt at having snuck two of Amanda's diapers. She wondered if Mrs. Roberts saw them in her purse and, if she had, what she thought of her.

"Sure, Mom. I'll let her know that I'll do it," Jessica replied.

The rest of the meal went by in silence. Jessica did her best to avoid eye contact with anyone as she ate her waffles and drank her milk. Once she finished her meal, she got up from the table, cleared her plate, and tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. She slowly walked up to her room as if nothing were waiting up there for her.

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