Chapter 8

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Dylan walked into the classroom, her bookbag wrapped loosely around her shoulders. Luckily, the students were too focus on their papers to notice her entering the room. Although the same couldn't be said about the teacher, who lowered the book he was reading to give Dylan a knowing look.

She was cool with all the professors, well most of them, and so with a little persuasion, the professor had allowed her to enter his classroom. For research purposes of course, which totally did not include stalking(not stalking) Lilac. It was only pure coincidence that Lila happened to be in the writing major, which Dylan had been visiting a couple of times to hone her poetry, for fun.

Lilac had though been the reason for her continuous returning that was once erupted to once or twice a month to two days in a week. This was only her third time coming since she found out Lilac was also in this class, the first time she found out she couldn't take her eyes away from the pretty flower which ultimately ended up with her missing most of the professor's lesson.

Not that it really mattered though.

Dylan sat her books and materials on the unoccupied desk in the back, it was closer to the door so that she could leave as soon as she deemed fit, not that it would really be anytime soon. Most of the students were sitting in the front to capture any of the materials the professor would provide to them. Dylan watched as they all continued to work with little acknowledgment of the world around them.

Lilac, on the other hand, was sitting in the front the last seat to the right of the room and if Dylan looked closely she could see the pink earphones in the other' s ear, the color matching rather prettily with her hair color.

"Alright, pencils down," Every put their pencils down looking up at the professor.

"Now, I've given you time to make sure your assignments were good, perfect even. Now, you will present the quote that you have either found or wrote, and explain what it means to you. Anyone wanna go first?" At this many students raised their hands, waiting patiently for the professor to call on them. Dylan couldn't help but watch as Lilac paid little attention to the teacher's instruction, her fingers thumping softly against her desk as she stared outside of the room to whatever was out in the hallway through the door.

Soon many people were called up to explain their quotes, some people Dylan knew, were acquaintance too; and some were unfamiliar to her eyes, not that she really cared though.

"Lilac your turn." Lilac snapped back towards the professor who gave her a firm but gentle nod. She stood up and walked towards the front of the classroom, eyes glancing over the room slightly, not towards Dylan's direction though, before she gave a little sigh. Unlike other students, Lilac didn't bring her paper up, meaning that she had either memorized what she was gonna say or didn't write on the paper at all.

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."- Bob Marley,"

"Good alright, now tell me what that quote means to you?"

"Hmm, well I went around because truthfully told, I had no clue what this quote meant to me, it made me feel weird awkward even. Like it was reading a part of my life that I never thought a quote could. I just liked Bob Marley's songs a bit, but then to see this man come up with a quote like that, most definitely from experience, kinda frustrated me."

Lilac let out a chuckle.

"Like-excuse my language, but how the fuck are you going to tell me this? You know? But then the more I went around asking friends or whatnot what they thought of the quote the more it made sense to me." Lilac tilted her head up letting out a puff of air.

"To me, this quote expresses a part of life that we don't realize, that we choose to ignore because for some god-forsaken reason we choose to believe that when we meet the right one it'll be all sprinkles and happiness. But that's not life, and everyone has shi- my bad." The class erupted in laughter when the professor playfully whacked Lilac upside her head for her profanity.

"But no seriously, people are gonna hurt us, even the person who could make us feel loved the most could also be the one to bring the most torturous pain in our hearts, that's life, get over it. No one's perfect, but if you really think that person can make you feel, that they're worth feeling for, then it'd be worth it. You know, kinda like I let you go even though it'll bring me pain because you're happiness is my happiness, yeah- kinda like that."

The professor nodded in understanding, "Then when we feel alone, we realize that there are people who are out there who are going through something similar with us and that may be in these billions of humans on this earth, that yeah.. Maybe 1 or 2 or even 100 to 1,000 of them understand my emotions and pain."

"Anyway, that's what I thought of that quote," The professor hummed and ushered Lilac to sit down. Dylan couldn't help but sit there, utterly speechless. 

Fuck, did she just fall in deeper? Cause shit, her heart was beating so fucking fast that it was starting to hurt. Never had she ever imagined that the Lilac who was beautifully cursing her out under her breath thought so deeply about these things. Dylan gathered her things, giving an appreciative nod to the professor who in return gave her his own nod.

"Where have you been?" Dylan smiled giving Nova a gentle but quick kiss on her forehead.

"Out don't worry I didn't drink or anything," Nova raised her eyebrows at the other but nodded nonetheless. Dylan walked around the kitchen area of their shared house looking through the freezer part of the refrigerator for some ice cream of a sort.

"Noooovaaaaaaa," Dylan whined out, whining more when the other let out an irritated groan.


"Did you forget to add my ice cream to the grocery list?" She heard the other scoff from her seated area in the living room.

"Did you forget to add it to the grocery list?" She said sarcastically.

Dylan walked towards the living room, a playful glare issued on her face, her arms crossed against her chest. "I told you to add it to the list."

"And? I was busy that day, maybe if you weren't so lazy and actually gotten up you would've realized that you dumb fuck," Dylan's eye twitched at the name.

"Why you little," She said playfully, pouncing on the other who was pushed on her back. She began to tickle the other, as the two drew playful curses at each other.

That was until they heard the door ring, Dylan stood up getting off of the panting slightly red-faced Nova. And with a groan, she muffled out a slight 'coming' before heading towards the door. When she opened it, her breath hitched and she froze in place.

"Dyl, who is it at the doo-"

"NOVA! Why the hell is Aurora standing at our door holding your sketchbook?!"

Sorry, this chapter is so short.

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