Chapter 6

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"Remember that you can paint anything, but every canvas that you create is a journey of its own. Whether it's symbolic of an experience in your life or to an emotion you wish to show. A painting is just another version of your diary, every single aspect of it represents something about you, whether you realize it or not." The sound of the alarm ringing was heard from Ms. Ken's phone echoed throughout the classroom.

"Alright everyone that's all for today, remember that next week we will be starting your project, so take this time to think about what you want to express." Nova began to pack her things, gathering up her materials and putting them in her backpack. Murmurs of voices were heard as the students began to make their way out of the classroom. "Ms. Yoon! May I speak to you for a bit?" Ms. Ken said before she could make her way down the steps and to the door.

Nova nodded hastily, continuing to make her way down the stairs, this time instead of her destination being the door it was to Ms. Ken's desk. Ms. Ken only began to speak once the rest of the students were out of the room, she made sure to wave at the excited students who were waving at her before leaving the room.

"Please have a seat." Ms. Ken gestured to one of the chairs in the front of the room, Nova only nodded again, making her way over to the chair and dragging it to Ms. Ken's desk. "I wanted to talk to you about your pieces, I've noticed something different in the way you've drawn or expressed them. The colors that you use, greyish dark blueish, reddish, to me it seems like you're expressing the need for help from your pieces. Especially since you associate the color grey a lot in class with the feeling of being empty. If anything is going on-"

"There's nothing wrong Ms. Ken" Nova didn't mean to be rude by interrupting her, especially since she and Ms. Ken had a pretty balanced relationship.

"Are you sure? If you need to visit the counselor again you should. If anything's going on you know that we're here to support you. And I'm not just saying that because you're a student and that's my job as your professor. But, I'm saying this because like all my other students, your feelings matter to me. And I wouldn't want any of my students to feel distressed or feeling alone when they're not. Trust me, I know from first hand that depression is a bitch,"

Nova couldn't help but laugh after hearing her professor curse like that, it sounded funny coming from her lips, like it shouldn't be there but it was and Nova knew that Ms. Ken meant what she said. It had been four days since that incident at the party and Nova's mind was stuck on both Jade and Aurora no matter how much she tried to distract herself. She guessed those feelings must've resonated in her paintings.

Closing her eyes Nova let out a hesitant breath before she opened them and gave a gentle smile to her Ms. Ken. "Everything's fine Ms. Ken," She was lying.

"I'll let you know if anything is bothering me." Ms. Ken didn't seem too convinced but she decided not to push it. She let out a huff of air before nodding giving Nova that same smile she always held during class. "Well, that's all. You're free to leave Ms. Yoon."

Nova got up giving Ms. Ken a slight bow to show her respect before grabbing her belongings and rushing out of the classroom. Nova walked down the hall her mind ushering back to those nights again, to the way Aurora breathed in her ear, to the foreign words she spoke before Nova left. For some reason, it left her feeling conflicted and confused.

Somehow in her grey pallet, a bit of closer sparked its entrance into her life.

The sunlight radiated from the building's windows transmitting a field of light, the cream-colored hallways accompanied with the wooden style walls made the campus look really modern. Nova didn't think they would have to turn any lights on it this bright sunny day, the sunlight beaming enough to provide the light needed. Suddenly, Nova felt a harsh weight on her shoulder making her stumble back a bit, she let out a faint growl not really wanting human contact right now.

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