Chapter 7

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*Warning mature content in this chapter* And thank you for over 100 views!  *Warning mature content in this chapter*

People were like a blurry sight to Nova, they would come and go only to be disregarded in the back of her mind. She never bothered to actually put forth an effort to talk or to care to remember, afraid of what would happen if she bothered to let someone in. Dylan was her safe haven, a wall that blocked others from coming in because she knew that if she let them in it would be hard so hard to let them out.

It wasn't something Nova could help, she had always been co-dependent when it comes to trust. If she trusted she would put all her trust into that person, if she loved then all her love would be dedicated to that person. And, if she felt the pain of loss, she was terrified to open up again. Nova played with the locket necklace wrapped tightly around her neck, not enough to hurt but enough for it not to fall off.

She missed him. She missed her dad.

God, she wanted to go see him, wanted to go talk to him, and right now she could use some of his wise words as she stared down at her sketchbook. Nova wasn't blind nor was she oblivious to the way she felt, she knew what it meant, she heard about the feelings people would get when they felt this sort of attraction for a person. She felt inside her stomach there were colors sprouting like a newly formed flower being brought into the beautiful world.

But then again it wasn't just for one person. Was she a slut? To like two people so differently but at the same time who would cause a similar feeling to swell inside of her? Nova twisted the necklace slightly. She barely had a conversation with them but her mind was racing her heart locking into a familiar set pounding rhythm that caused her head to spin lightly.

Her eyes narrowed at the message written, it was an address with compliments circling around them, each causing her heart to hammer slightly in a non-corrected beat. God, even her handwriting was stunning, even with the bits of pen spilling over the words that were caused by her hurried actions, the writing still managed to look elegant and it mesmerized Nova to no end.

Maybe she was losing her mind, and suddenly she was thankful that Dylan was still gone to do whatever she was doing.

Nova didn't know exactly what to do with the feeling, so she occupied her mind by rereading the words over and over again memorizing every single little detail like it was a work of art she never wanted to forget. Hell, maybe she didn't want to forget.

She looked at the time that was written by the address, her teeth pressing slightly against her bottom lip in an attempt to ease her narrowed thoughts that were filled with the two.

Should she go?

She felt ashamed like she was betraying a part of herself that promised to never let someone else in. It was stupid, but it was the only thing besides Dylan that was keeping her sane.

She opened the locket seeing the picture of her smiling dad and her child self, she was beaming with the biggest smile on her face, her father was holding the camera cheeks squished against her once chubby cheeks. She could see her family in the background and she could pliantly remember the details of that day.

Nova felt her eyes swell slightly, the crystal jewels wanting to come out but she didn't let them. She took a deep breath as she closed the locket eyes once again making their way to the back of her sketchbook.  6:00pm.

It took her a bit but she ultimately decided to go, what could it hurt anyway? Besides she could use some fresh air with the natural smell of the bakeries, the smell of the freshly cut grass, and even the smell of the pretty flowers during sunset. So, grabbing her leather jacket laying on top of the couch and her sketchbook she made her way outside not forgetting to bring her keys.

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