Then the double doors close behind them as they push through them and I lose it.

2 hours later.

I sit on the edge of my chair in the food court with my head in my hands and a coffee between my elbows, with tears still steadily streaming down my face. 

'I'm scared..' It just keeps playing in my head. 

The intercom shouts my name, although I am probably the only person here. "Lana James please report to ER room 116..." It pauses then adds: "Immediately."

I don't care what I look like, or how badly I want to finish that coffee. I sprint to the ER and burst through the doors and run until I come to the closed doors of room 116.

I don't know if I should knock or what but I just pull the doors open. 

"L-L-Lana...." Aaron stutters from his place in the middle of the room in his cheesy hospital gown, underneath the thin sheets with at least 10 tubes attached to him.

I bolt across the room and grab his hand. "Ms. James, you may want to sit down..." The doctor states.

Without ever removing myself from Aarons vice grip on my hand I grab a chair and plop myself into it. 

"Lana... I..-" Aaron starts to whisper but I cut him off.

"Shhhh Aaron listen..." I whisper back and he grips my hand tighter as the doctor starts his diagnosis.

The doctor takes a deep breath. "Aaron.. Can I call you Aaron?" he asks.

Aaron nods.

"Aaron.. You have stage 3 stomach cancer." The Doctor says. Then he turns and leaves.

"W-What.....?" Aaron asks trying to fight back his tears, but they come anyway.

"Aaron... Shhh it will be okay. You can do this." I whisper.

"No, no, no I'm only 18 Lana. I have my whole life to live. I want kids and a family and to have a good job and a beautiful wife to come home to and....." His tears win. "Lana I can't do this alone."

The tears start in my eyes again. I'm supposed to be strong right now. For Aaron.

"No, Aaron, no. You're not alone, I will be here. Always. I promise." I say. He nods and scoots over to one side of his bed, patting the empty space. I crawl into it and he puts his arm around my back and I put my head on his shoulder, while he puts his head mine. I feel his tears wet my hair but I could care less. 

"Pinky promise?" He whispers holding out his right hand with his pinky extended.

"Pinky promise." I whisper back. Wrapping my pinky around his. And we fell asleep with our pinkies wrapped around each others , curled up together on the hospital bed.

*End flashback*


4 Months Later- Present Day

"Ms. James? Ms. James!?" A nurse says waving a hand in my face.

"Oh! What sorry.. I had a ummm.. moment." I say trying to keep the last of the memories from that night from entering my head. Like how Aaron woke up again, to puke up more blood, and how he did it once every 3 hours after that, that same night.

"When Aaron wakes up will you make sure he takes these?" She asks.

"Oh yeah sure." I say taking the pills from her.

As I go to place them on the table beside Aarons bed my eye catches the pictures we took a few weeks before he got diagnosed with cancer. It's of us, of course, and we are at my 18th birthday party which was in New York City. I really wanted to be in Times Square at night and Aaron was the only one who would go with me. One is of me and him making a funny face and the next is of both of us smiling and at the bottom of the picture you can see our pinkies locked in our everlasting promise to each other. It's our friendship summed up in one photo. It breaks my heart.

I glance over to Aarons sleeping figure. He looks younger and healthier in his sleep. But his frame is still stick thin and if he stood up and went outside the slightest breeze would knock him down if he wasn't ready for it. He's gotten really pale and his hair.. well if there still was any it would be curling at the ends because that's how his hair grows. I sigh. 

The last four months have been hard on both of us, we have already graduated, of course, but Aaron has gotten no better. Only worse. The doctors say that it's terminal that he could go at any given time. Whenever he's needed 'up there' again. I remember talking to my mom about it one day. She said that it wasn't the fact that the people we love didn't want to be around us anymore, it's that they were just to perfect for us, and God wanted them back up in heaven. 

I reach over and grab the picture frame from next to Aarons bed, taking in the great times that we used to have and remembering every single thing we would talk about. When he goes it's going to be the worst day of my life. Of course I had thought the day he was diagnosed was the worst, then I thought his first day of radiation therapy was. Now every day is, every day causes more pain to my one and only friend. The only person who has ever understood me... Besides my mother. Of course my mum had been supportive of my staying here with Aaron. She was also supportive of me taking the year off before going to college to spend as much time as possible with Aaron is all I wanted right now. I don't think I could handle college if I tried.

There was still a lot that Aaron wants to do. He wants to go skydiving, and cliff jumping, and he wants to see me happy. He told me he wanted to send me to a One Direction concert, but I told him I wouldn't let him do that for me, the tickets are way to expensive. Most of all Aaron wants a family, a wife and kids to go home to after busy days at work. He just wants a normal life. I watch his sleeping figure shift and breathe out a sigh.

"Oh Aaron. I'm so sorry I can't give you any of the things you want..." I whisper, glancing at our pictures again and getting an idea.


HEYYYYYYYY WOOHOO DONE WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER WOOHOO. okay so yeah maybe a little cliffhanger but I'm gonna go straight to work on numba 2! it is 9pm here so idk if it will get done tonight but WE SHALL SEE. i hope you liked this. it might have been long but ya know:) 

Well thats loveliessss


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