Chapter 15

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Singto sat at the living room in his home trying to get through his paper work as Waan sat practicing the Piano. But he just couldn't concentrate.  The rain has been at it since morning , on and off,in varying intensities making sure that he had no physical exercise at he was too wired to sit still.

He dropped his pen in disgust as he got out of his chair.."if u're going toward the kitchen bring me a couple of antacid tablets Sing. P'za's spicy noodles always has me eating more,forgetting my tummy can't take it any longer.." Papa Boon called out..

Singto turned towards the kitchen just as the phone rang..the rain meant no cell phone network, which explains why the landline was ringing.."I ll get it" Waan offered.

"Fah lahwy Farm, Waan speaking "she said cheerfully. Singto picked up the antacids walking back to give them to his father..

"He's here just a minute, "she said, her mouth turning grim..she handed the receiver to her dad...

"Pete somebody,sounded drunk or angry or both I guess.."she shrugged going back to her piano.

"Hold up practice while I talk honeybee. "He told her.

Singto put the receiver to his ear as he heard a familiar voice cursing at the other end.." Pete, it's Singto.."he said interrupting the fight at the other end.

"Singto? Sing u need to get me out of here..goddammit it isn't right..."

"You've been drinking?"

"I just had one beer..not even enough for the breathalyzer to light up..they can't keep me's not fair. I said I ll pay for the damages."

"What damages?what happened Pete?"

"I broke my arm Sing. That's wat happened. I can't work now and if I can't work...."he broke off sighing.."some dirty glasses were just lying around and I pushed felt so good to hear the glass break that I took a chair next and crashed it into the glass wall. It was Harry's.  I was at the bar drinking. I have had it Singto, with this town, my dreams of having my own restaurant..everything...I am never gonna have shit..can u come and get me out of this Sing? Please?"

"I ll be right there Pete.'he said and hung up.. he walked towards the door grabbing his keys and raincoat.

"Pete in the soup again?" Papa asked looking up..

"Not exactly.  But he needs me..I ll be gone a while..practice. "he said looking at Waan.."and get to bed on time..ok?"

She nodded smiling " bye daddy"

"The roads maybe safely " Papa Boon warned..he nodded to both as he shut the door behind him..


The rain drops fell deliciously cold on krist's warm skin as he relaxed against the edge of the jacuzzi...the heated water current lapping at his legs and hips making his muscles relaxed and languid..

He was currently on the secluded terrace of Earth's villa, enjoying an evening of leisure with the star. Earth sat in the deck chair slowly working the cork out of a bottle of Champagne until it was out with the softest of pops...

"Well done" Krist applauded as he lifted his glass to catch the golden liquid being poured out.."you've had a lot of practice haven't you?"he asked grinning..

"Experience has its perks babe."Earth winked clinking their glasses and eyeing Krist's pale torso bobbing above the waterline.." and rewards - on both sides..."

His words evoked images that ignited a disturbing heat in Krist, that had nothing to do with the water..

"That's a tantalizing thought.."he grinned challenging him over the rim of his glass..

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