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"I'd hate to see the other guy." Raven says, as Octavia and I walk into a tent and clean out the bloody rags, that we used to clean the grounders.

"Birdy I wouldn't-" I try to warn her but I am cut off by Octavia.

"You did, when you were torturing him." Octavia tells her bluntly.

"Finn was dying. I'm not gonna apologize for doing what I had to do." Raven shoots back.

"Octavia we should just-" I try saying again not wanting my two friends to fight, but get cut off again.

"It must suck to come all the way down here to find your boyfriend is into somebody else." Octavia replies with a blank face.

"I'm not doing this with you." Raven says, as she walks out.

"The amount of confidence you have to talk up to a girl that knows how to make bombs, blows my mind." I say, smirking at Octavia.


"Octavia? Nova?.... girls I think I'm going crazy, or the grounders are here, or I'm going crazy, or—" Jasper says in a panicked voice.

"Damn it Jasper take a breath." I say to him, as he looks like he might pass out.

"Ok. Tell us what you saw." Octavia says to him.

"Him." Jasper says, as he looks at nothing with fear in his eyes.

"Jasper nothings there." I say to him, slightly concerned.

"He's right there! We have to run. We have to run. Why isn't anyone doing anything." Jasper screams at the camp.

"Stop it. Shut up. Jasper, are you on something?" Octavia says to him.

"I love you, and I just want you to know this. We're all gonna die soon, ok? I love you." Jasper tells Octavia, as I watched very amused.

"Is this all you've eaten today?" I ask him, noticing a few nuts in his hand.

"It is, but who the hell cares now?" He tells me with a cracking voice.

"He's totally bombed." Octavia whispers to me, as she picks up a stick.

"Here, buddy. Take this." She says handing him the stick.

"It's a stick." He says looking down at it.

"No. This is an anti-grounder stick. So as long as you hold this and you sit right here, grounders won't be able to see you." She tells him, and makes him sit down.

"See?" She says to him.

"Yeah. Makes sense." Jasper says back.

"I'll just stay right here." Jasper tells us.

"Does make sense." I say, looking at where the food is.

"Stay right there." I say to Jasper as Octavia and I walk towards the food.

Octavia and I both realized what the nuts did and quickly made a plan to make sure everyone had some, then sneak out the grounder.

"Get out." Says Miller as Octavia and I come up the hatch.

"Relax." Octavia says to Miller.

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