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"What the hell was that?" Bellamy asked his sister as Octavia cleaned my leg.  "I don't know. The others said it looked like a giant snake." She responded.

"You could have been killed." Bellamy tells her.

"She would have been if Nova hadn't jumped in and pulled her out." Clarke says walking up to us.

"Thank you." Bellamy says looking at me. "Well I tend to do things without thinking, which is why I'm going with you to get Jasper. And before you say no my leg is fine." I say looking at Clarke.

"No way." Wells says.

"Wells I'm fine. See." I say standing up and walking to him, making sure to not show him the hurt in my eyes.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too." Octavia says.

"No your not." Clarke yells her. "You almost died today and I'm only letting Nova come because I know she can take care of herself. Plus Wells would die before he let anything happen to her." Clarke Finishes is telling us.

"I'm actually here for you." Clarke says looking at Bellamy. "I hear you have a gun." She says, as he lifts up his shirt to show the gun at his waistline.

"Clarke what are you doing?" Wells asks her.

"She's using him to her advantage." I whisper to Wells, as Clarke walks off. "She's got it under control I tell him."

"And why would I do that?" Bellamy questions her.

"Because right now your being a pussy and everyone at camp knows it." I tell him.

"You want them to follow you, and right now they're thinking only one of us is scared." Clarke tells him ignoring what I said.


"Those guys aren't just Bully's Clarke. They're dangerous criminals." Wells tells Clarke. "I'm counting on it." Clarke says back.

From behind me I can hear John and Bellamy talking. "Since when are we in the rescuing business, huh?" John asks Bellamy.

"The ark thinks the prince is dead. Once they think the princess is dead too, they'll never come down." Bellamy tells him.

"What about sunshine over there." John says looking at me. I could feel both their eyes on the back of my head.

"I don't know. Her father is very skilled in combat. So until we know what she's capable of, we shouldn't mess with her." Bellamy says.

I could feel both of them looking at me so I turn around with a smirk on my face. "Don't worry. You have nothing to worry about unless you piss me off." I tell them before jogging ahead to catch up to Clarke and Wells.


"Hey. hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy says jogging up to us.

"Well considering he wasn't speared in the heart and he did survive, I would say we are in a rush." I shoot back at him. "She right. If it struck his heart he would have died instantly." Clarke says.

"And he screamed when he moved so that means he's alive." I finish for her.

"Put the gun away Bellamy Wells says stepping toward him.

"Why don't you do something about it." John says pushing Wells. Before I even had time to think I grabbed johns arm and twisted it behind his back. "Get.your.hands.off.him." I say with aggression laced in every word.

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