Chapter 27: Micheal

Começar do início

"What were you saying again?" Micheal asked.

"I said that you have history with who's behind all of this," Cicero started, trying to simplify his words, "Your dad worked for a royal prince long ago, right?"

"I mean I can't be sure of that. I always thought it they were just fake stories to impress me," Micheal reasoned, "But, it can't be ignored with what's happening right now."

"Okay, let's try to match the dots," Cicero suggested, "Cesal is a weird guy with weird powers. He for sure isn't a normal human being, correct?"

"Well, yeah from what I've heard because I've never met this guy."

"He mentioned his master or his majesty. I will take an obvious hypothesis and say that's a royal. Now, how are you connected to this? Easy, your dad worked for a royal prince so it could be the same person that Cesal works for. You told me the whole story about how your dad saw the prince's evil deeds and his inhumane behavior. The prince longs to be king and your dad overheard his plan to murder the king. The prince also has a huge hatred towards animals. He would treat them wickedly and abuse all the castle's pets, how cruel. Now, this is where me and Zen make an appearance. Remember the cats we both saw? I'm going to say that has a connection with the pets being abused, but I don't know the details. I just know that it does. Does this make sense?"

"A lot, actually. What about the bombings?"

"That's why I've spaced out. I've been thinking about it. You know you should really go after them to make sure everything's fine," Cicero said.

"How? A black hole won't miraculously appear again," Micheal told him.

This phone call took place a few minutes after the black hole was gone. Micheal was lucky enough to not get sucked in with the others. It was a miracle he didn't, really. He was in a state of panic, but what made him not freak out too much was the fact that he was expecting this sooner or later.

He didn't warn no one.

Choosing Cicero was his best choice. The boy was very observant and his memory skills were no joke. He could've also picked Kazuo, but he didn't know much about the raven head. Although, he was sure that him and Zen would make a great team if the redhead is calm and rationally thinking.

"Can you tell me how exactly am I supposed to go after them?"

"I'm sure the answer is somewhere in your dad's room, office, etc."

"Sure. I'll call you when I find something."


He was right.

There was a huge clue that Micheal never noticed and it was in his dad's office. The last drawer was always locked and he didn't know where the key was. It was kind of stuipd to call the green head of where he might think they are or some good hiding spots.

'If I had a key that lead me to another place that no one knows about, I wouldn't hide the key, I would just keep it with me wherever I go.'

'Even the toilet?'

'Even the toilet.'

QUARTET ALLIANCE: LEND A HAND (Wild Duty & Judgement)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora