Chapter 14 Date Night

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(Lucy) it was the night of mine and. Dennis date  I couldn't wait i got ready i put the black dress on i looked in the mirror i really loved this dress it was like it was made for my figure I got my black heels and put them down nere the bed so I could just slip into them as soon as Dennis was ready, I shot my head up when I here a knock at the door to find that someone else was there another new personality I knew it was a girl she was wearing ripped jeans and a bright pink top "hello" she said with a smile. from her clothes she did look like a teenager

(Jade) Hay you look so beautiful!!!

(Lucy) i smile thank you so much um sorry what's your name? I asked. Curious

(Jade) oh sorry I say putting my hand on my chest my names Jade and Barry never told you did he?

(Lucy) i tilted my head told me what? I asked my eyes moved to her hand and she had a pink bag which looked like make up i smile oh no he didn't

(Jade) ohhh well uhh he forgets im here to do your make up you also Need to look nice for your date with Dennis and im the best at make up i say and smile taking her hand come on i say sitting on the bed with her

(Lucy) i sat on the bed with her i watched her as she takes out some of her brushes and the make up she had every shade possible i loved it "what colour would you like?" she asked ohhh umm I don't mind any you decide she smiled when I said that she nodded taking out some eye eyeshadow "cloes your eyes" I smile and shut them I felt the brush pass my eyes lids., when she was doing my make up we started to talk about music, books, tv shows, films and boys i liked her she was nice they all where but i jumped when I here her slam the Bush down "Uhhh I'm going to kill that kid!" she said with a big huff what's up? I asked

(Jade) Hedwig has been in my make up again!!! That's what's up he always touches everyone's stuff when he knows his not supposed to i huff but Hay you look really pretty

(Lucy) aww thank you, thank you also for doing my make up you didn't have to

(Jade) i smile handing her a  mirror  its ok i wanted to come and meet you every talks about how nice you are and i have to say that you are very nice and you understand us you don't look at us weird and hopefully we can be friends i smile

(Lucy) i smile as she was talking i looked into the mirror and i looked very good she was very good at make up my eyeshadow was purple thank you and i wouldn't want to look at you weird i love meeting all of you every one of you has been so nice and i wouldn't want to change anythink I say smileing at her she had a little tear in her eye "that's so nice" she said smileing at me she handed me red lipstick i smile taking it she stood up "right i better get going Dennis will want to get dressed and i have to go and take my insulin shot but it was so nice to meet you i hope that you enjoy your time out" she said walking out the room i smile i was so happy  I've never been so happy like this i loved everyone of them and I will miss them when I go i will regret it when I leave but I'm not going forever i want to go i do miss my family but I will miss Dennis., I jump when I here a knock at the door i look up and i smile when I see Dennis there he looked so handsome he was in a black shirt with black trousers and a jacket he waited nere the door i smile looking down at my heels slipping into them I walked to him "um hello" he said his cheeks was red as he moved side to side, Hay

(Dennis) i was very nervous about tonight with her i wanted it to go well she looked so beautiful and i loved her dress i couldn't keep my eyes of her untill she noticed that i was staring uhhh s... Sorry I say and look away as I feel my cheeks burn with heat, this is um my first date I said twiddling my thumbs

(Lucy) i smile at him in a awww cute way mine to i say so I'm very nervous about tonight but it's OK im sure that we will both have a good time he smiles at me i nod umm should we go i say pointing "yeah sure sorry" he said I smile as we walked out of Hedwigs room and out of the building and onto the streets being with Dennis was amazing he liked to keep me cloes so his big hand held mine i smile looking down at our hands as we walked though the streets being out felt great! We walked into town where some of the markets are, the whole town was lit up with a light yellow with alot of people walking around buying stuff and talking and shouting,. This was my second time being out and i still didn't know how to act around people I was like a kid in a candy store  "oh wait here" Dennis said I nod as he runs somewhere I have a look at some jewellery what was laying down on a black cloth "£5 for 2"the elderly lady said i smile looking at two pieces and handing them to her  i gave the £5 pound note to her as she wrapped them in a little bag handing them to me thank you! I smile at her she nods" have a good day darling"she said and smiled at me i turn around to see Dennis there he kissed me on the lips and then he handed me some red roses i smile and i had a tear in my eye know ones ever gave me flowers before it means so much to me that they are roses a sign of love, I smile and hugged him thank you i say taking them from him we then continued to walk the streets hand in hand

(Dennis) because we was going to the markets I wanted to get her something special and sort of a thank you for being amazing she looked so happy to be out, she should have never gone though this she deserves so much i huff i looked at her and she had a big smile on her face which warmed my heart i looked over and that's when I saw a man holding some red Roses i walked. Up and bought a bunch they were a beautiful red like her lips and smelled of her and the petles were big like her heart, i walked to her and stood behind her waiting for her to turn around after she was buying something when she did i kissed her soft and then placed them into her hands when we pulled away she hand tears in her eyes "thank you!" she said i nodded and then we continued to talk in town

(Lucy) Dennis walked me to a park where we got nere the gates he took out his handkerchief and wrapping it around his hand and then he pulled the gate open i smiled as he did this I knew what he was like with touching caritan things he held the gate open for me so I could go in first when I was in my heart felt so heavy with love the place was beautiful there was candles set out and in the trees they hand fairly lights in, "this way" he said passing me we walked done a path a little and then we must have reach our spot because on the ground was a big red blanket and candles with a stack of films which I noticed was all love films and then there was a big screen set out so we could watch them and then i noticed on the blanket was food

Half way thought the film

(Dennis) the night so far was going perfect we watched some films as she snuggled up to me because she was cold i pulled her cloes i couldn't stop looking at her she was so beautiful she was the beauty in my life and I will miss her when she goes. Do you like it? I asked

(Lucy) yes I love it thank you so much tonight has been so special Dennis I smile and he nods ohhh I have something for you I say digging into my bag I found the paper bag I sat up a little and he stared at me with interest I pulled out one of the two bracelets and gave it to him he looked at me i bought it for you so when I go you can wear it and it will be like me being with you and then ill come back and we. Will be together again i say "th... Thank you" he said with a little bit of emotion in his voice i smile its ok. I am going to come back Dennis i promise he didn't say anything he just hugged me tight and held me till the end of the film

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