All is not always well 2

Start from the beginning

I stepped out it wasn't so dark, enough to see through. I hope y/n and Tae eun are doing well. I heard rustling and footsteps sound around me. There were many. I heard murmurs from all around the house!!

I just returned to the house. I can't handle, if many attack at once. I locked the doors tight. I shouldn't have gone out!!

I decided to check on y/n and stay with her. She must have been frightened a lot!!

I checked in the bedroom. Y/n wasn't in there!!!! Holy shit! Where is she??

I noticed that there were some scratches on the window. Did someone try to break the window?  Tae eun wasn't in the crib also.

'No, she is safe with y/n!!She is safe.
They Both are safe!!
They just moved because someone tried to break in'I tried to calm myself down.

I decided to check in the empty bedroom, when I turned back at the door I saw the door swayed and closed and a click!! Someone closed the door and locked it! Shit!!

I tried to break it open, but it me who was hurt. But still I tried pulled the handled and kicked the door, banging it hard!!

Unfortunately I left the phone out. Why are the doors so strong and not the windows??

After many tries I slid down the wall feeling hopeless, useless!

Why? Why is this happening? Why to a family when it have who is a loser like me?

I heard footsteps! Are cops here! But aren't they supposed to warn their presence on entry?? Heavy footsteps approaching and then a click. My door was opened? There stood a huge and familiar figure! It was y/n brother Jong suk!!

He opened the door and looked for y/n inside. He didn't even mind my presence and ran checking in the kitchen. As soon I stepped out, I heard police sirens. Thank god they arrived.

Hyung was searching for y/n in every room. At last to that empty room. I followed back him. It was on the other corner.

When we reached there. I saw that the door handle broken. Someone tried to break in!!

The door knob was at fault when we occupied here, so we left this room empty.

It seems that someone tried to break in, but the door was jammed so couldn't, I saw fresh foot trails of mud to the out of the nearby window. Whoever it is, they just escaped!!

If they tried to break in here, does that mean is y/n in there???

Hyung also understood the situation and tried to open the door. He was strong enough to open it in one blow.

Yes Y/n was in there. I noticed that the windows was lying on the floor with glass shattered. Y/n sat there holding Tae eun in her hands and looked terrified! I was broken to see her in such a state.

Hyung ran to her. She cried in his arms. At last he noticed my presence. He yelled at me, but soon he left. He knew  at that moment y/n needs my comfort!!

I took her into my arms in no time. I felt guilty for everything.

'Y/n, I am sorry!! From the first day I have been a trouble to you. If you regret for marrying me........I won't blame you. Cause I am a loser."

I wasn't even brave enough to utter those words. Tears rolled down our eyes. We just stayed there for a while.

After a while.

Y/n calmed down now. I went to the offices to speak about the situation. They were sasaengs! A group of 6 girls and 2 boys. They managed to get hold of most of them. They gave a blunt reason for their attack!
' To scare Jane to never near me again'
At that minute I wanted to shout at their face that  'Jane is Y/n and she is my wife and don't ever try to get your ass near her'. But the officers didn't let me meet them.

They even managed to track her parents house and stalked them when they visited us. They want to take revenge on her!! W T F

I couldn't take it! Anger was filled in my stream but at the same time guilty flushed over me.

The officers advised us to take shelter somewhere else for today's night. Cause every windows were broken and it's not safe!

So we decided to seek Felix. His house was nearby!  He readily provided hospitality for us.

Hyung was speaking to y/n parents. I don't want this matter to get sniffed by media and become a commercial. I had enough of this popularity!!

Soon I, hyung , y/n and Felix sat to discuss what to do. The police are still  guarding us. So we will be safe for a while. I was worried about Felix. If any one spot us with him, They may even initiate to stalk him.

Felix : " You both can stay here for a while, I won't bother you guys anyway."

Tae: " Thank you Felix, We can stay for a while but not always dude, they might harm you too. They stalked y/n parents! What is to assure that they won't do it to u or even worse. So we will move as soon possible"

Y/n : "  We must move to a individual house with no neighbours probably! That would be the best. Like in hilly areas! We can live with peace atleast"

Jong suk: " Yeah I agree you can be with peace! But for how much days r u gonna stay in hiding? What if those sasaengs sniffs around and again attack you!! Y/n you have a daughter!! She should stay safe!!"

Felix : " But it's just until this chaos dies!! It's not gonna take too long"

Jong suk : " Even  if those rumours die, don't you think people would recognise you when you go out. What if one of them click a photo and again spread starts the commercials !!"

Tae : " yeah I am gonna end this tmrw! I am going go on live and explai....."

Jong suk: " Cut the crap!! Don't remember that you are falsely accused for plagiarism? You don't  have a single evidence against for your innocence!!!,!  If you go live don't u think your so called fans won't question you about it????   Even if you don't say a word about it and end the live tmrw, the people are gonna highlight ' V FEELS GUILTY FOR HIS DEEDS AND IGNORES TO GIVE AN EXPLANATION IN LIVE'
Than highlighting " JANETTE IS THE REAL WIFE OF V"

Y/n: " Then what should we do??? We are pushed in such a situation.  And our daughter a poor souls is also clinging to it!!"  She was almost in verge of crying

Jong suk: " I have a solution.........."

We all just looked at him when he uttered  ' solution' hoping for a good way to end this chaos.

Jong suk: " You both move back to Korea. It's at least safer than here!"

Felix: " Woah!! Good idea brooo! That's cool! Let's do it. It won't be a problem for them. They both are familiar with Korea!"

Y/n and I stared at each other. Before marriage I agreed to with my company to show myself in public to just stay with y/n here. But now........I can't believe that the same matter is pushing us back to Korea. But it seems we have no other go.

Y/n also have same thoughts running in her mind. But we should do this. For  us to live in peace! For our happiness! For our daughter!

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