Jimmy while being sad he didn't ask her why she was harsh on her own brother. He always thought that he was like Eddy and Double D. Just scamming, but he noticed that he wasn't always airhead as he thought he was sure he was weird and low intelligent, but he's been very caring towards his sister. So why Sarah doesn't return her kindness to Ed as she did with Jimmy? He wasn't so bad as Eddy so why would she do some harsh things like that to Ed?

Before his train of thoughts could go any further, he noticed a piece of paper flying and then with some curiosity, he caught it and read it with Sarah.

"Sarah," Jimmy said looking at her with shock. "This must be a letter from Dodie Smith, Double D's aunt!"

"No kidding." Sarah said "Do you even know what it means Jimmy? That means Eds are heading-"

"What are ya brats blabbin' about?!" Lee yelled as she came to them with Marie. Marie noticed the piece of paper.

"What'cha having in your hands fluffy..?" Marie asked as he takes the paper from Jimmy's hand. She read it throughout the letter and realized something as she spoke:

"Girls! This is a letter to Double D!"

After she said those words May and Lee came to Marie and checked what was written alongside their sister. She read it.

"Double D and other Eds are going to London!" May exclaimed in shock. "In Camden Town and in street called 101... Desmonds street?"

"101 'Dalmatian' Street May!" Marie corrected. "This is where his aunt lives. Reading it looks like they are heading this way, besides if she didn't why did she give allowance for Double D to take over her house."

"Do you think Ed and Eddy join with Double D too?"

"Of course, May! They are his friends also right?"

Lee put her finger on her chin, thinking of the next course of action. For some minute then she decided.

"Alright girls!" Lee said in a commanding tone. "We shall go to this London. We need to protect our boyfriends from these kids!"

"What about these two?" May asked pointing at Jimmy and Sarah.

"Not to worry. They still will be useful."

Kevin and Nazz were also still looking for the Eds.

"Damn it!" Kevin muttered out loud. "Where these dorks could they be?"

Nazz was looking around to see signs of the Eds also. She didn't have much luck either.

"Can't see them either, Kev." She said with a sigh. "It's like they were invisible in the air."

"I hope they aren't in Eddy's Brother house already! We would be goners if he was here."

"Don't worry Kevin, we'll find them soon."

Kevin only responded with silence as they both 'rode' to find Eds. Nazz while they were riding she was thinking of something. Something she might have forgotten about it. What did she forget...?

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