Hey There, Delilah (21)

Start from the beginning

"Did you guys get in a fight or something?" Rex asked, rocking back and forth on the ground. He resembled a little kid so much that it wasn't even funny. Well, actually, it was pretty funny. The way he was acting, even though he was trying to be serious, but hilarious. But I still didn't find myself laughing as he continued to speak. "Because ever since we got back from my house, you guys have barely been talking. River barely even talks to anyway. You both usually can never shut up when you're talking to each other."

We never shut up? I never even noticed that before. I thought I talked to him just as much as I talked to Rex or Seth. But I guess I didn't. I always liked talking to River, he didn't annoy me like Rex or anger me like Seth. He knew how to talk to me, he knew what to say. Maybe that's way we never shut up when we talked to each other. That's the only reason I can think of.

"I don't know if he's mad or me or not," I started quietly, pulling my knees up to my chin. "And I don't even know why he's acting this way."

Lie. Total and complete lie. I wished that I didn't know why he was mad at me, but if I didn't know, he wouldn't even be mad at me in the first place. But I was glad that I knew, because I could help River, and he promised that he would stop hurting himself. I found out his secret; I found out that he used to and still does cut. I was sure that Rex and River knew that he used to cut, but River told me that no one but me knows that he still does. I felt so guilty, and I didn't even know why I did. Maybe it was because I could do nothing to help him, even though I wanted to more than anything. Why did I have to be so useless? All I am is a damsel in distress, just waiting for someone to finally save me from my stalker. I'm useless when it comes to helping others, so how could I help River? All I could do is whine and cry about how much my stalker scared me.

"Well, maybe if you come with us, River will forgive you for whatever you did," Rex suggested, looking like a little kid again as he shrugged. Seth continued to stay quiet as he leaned back in my desk chair, almost looking like he was asleep. I really thought that whenever anyone leaned back in a chair, they were going to fall over backwards. I've seen people fall off desks and playground equipment, but never chairs. It just never happened to anyone in front of me. But I was still cautious and made sure not to lean back in my chair.

Well, now that I think about it, it actually did happen to Arianna when we were sophomores, but she forbid us to ever talk about it and scared everyone in the school into forgetting about that the whole incident even happened. I wonder if Arianna was still scary to all the kids at my old school still. I'm sure she was.

I'm sure they were all terrified of her.

"He's been totally avoiding you," Seth spoke up, still leaning back in my chair. "But he's even kind of Rex and me, too. But not as much as he's been avoiding you."

I stared at him flatly. "Thanks," I told him sarcastically.

His eyes closed, Seth replied in a bored tone, "You're welcome."

I shook my head, turning away from him. So Rex and Seth both noticed that River was acting strangely. And they also noticed that he was avoiding me. He still had to tutor me, though. And that was always uncomfortable and weird feeling. It used to be fun, after we became friends and everything. But now it was just as awkward and weird as it was when I first got here.

"Well, tell me what you decide," Rex said, hopping up from my floor and stretching for a moment. "I need to go home before my mom has a panic attack and calls the cops. She'll probably think I'm vandalizing something or killing someone if I don't get home soon. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I waved silently at him as he left my room, pretty much slamming the door on his way out. Rex will always be loud, no matter how quiet he tries to be. I didn't even think that I had ever heard him whisper before. I didn't even think that he could whisper. I really didn't understand how someone could be so loud, and they didn't even have to try most of the time.

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