Chapter 18 - Going Home

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     Monday came along, I woke up Adrien for school, he got ready, and I rode him to school on my bike. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of us, and he ended up doing that on the way home too. He did that every day, to and from school and it was the cutest thing I've witnessed him do, especially when I caught him totally geeking out over the pictures of him and I. Saturday morning came faster than ever, which really sucked because I just started getting used to waking up next to him every day. I woke up first, and checked my phone. 7:58am. I groaned as I looked at the sleeping angel next to me. He soon opened his eyes and caught me staring at him. "Good morning, Sunshine" he said, soon braking into a yawn. He then shuffled closer to me, curling up in my chest. "I don't wanna leave today, sweetheart" "I know, but you have to. Don't worry, you'll see me soon." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the forehead. "Besides, your coming out video has to be made at some point"

He heavily sighed. "I guess you have a point" he murmured. "Don't worry, everything will go smoothly." Adrien's phone pinged a few seconds after I said that. He didn't look very happy with the text. He sat up then looked down at me as I smiled at him. He smiled back, then leaned down and kissed me. He didn't break it off for a minute or so, so I grabbed the back of his neck. He shuffled around until he was on top of me, and I guess he thought it would be real cute to kill me with his weight, because he didn't hold himself up. No. He let himself fall on me. "Ouuuh- god you're heavy, fuck" I said, breaking off the kiss and desperately trying to just breathe. He giggled and got up. "It must be all this ass" he said after he stood up, striking a few poses, then walking and heavily shaking his hips. I couldn't help but laugh. What a dork. My dork. That's my dumbass dork.

I thought. His phone started ringing, I passed it to him and he groaned angrily. "Hello? Okay okay I get it, geez. Alright! I'm getting my stuff together now I'll be out in 5. I'm sorry! It's not my fault you came without giving me a warning! I hardly woke up 5 minutes ago!" He said angrily, then hung up. "Ugh, their already fucking here. What jackasses." He pulled out his normal outfit and shoved his pajamas into his bag as he changed. He grabbed my hoodie off the floor and stuffed it into his bag. He zipped up his bag and threw it over his shoulder, then slipped on his shoes. "You said 5 minutes, that was hardly a minute-" I said, until he walked over to me and shut me up by kissing me. I understand now. He said 5 minutes so he'd have 4 to say goodbye to me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and used it to pull me closer to him, I grabbed the back of his neck in return. He sadly had to break off the kiss, then fix up his hair. "I'm sorry, band boy but I've got to go now. I'll see you soon, though!" He said as he smiled at me and waved goodbye, leaving my bedroom.

I couldn't help but miss him now. I longed for his lips. His face. His voice. Him. I wish he was still here. I wish he was still here so I could just kiss him again, and maybe- then I lost my train of thought when my phone pinged. "I'm sorry I had to leave on such short notice. It really sucks that they couldn't have given me a warning, and now their making me go to a photo shoot. Expect me around 10 tonight, leave your window open. <3" it read. God. He's so crazy.

The day passes by slower than ever, without him by my side it just felt straight up boring. God. What did I do before I knew him? Well, it doesn't matter because I do know him now. Oh, wait I need to make his coming out video. I should do that. Through out the rest of the day, I spent it making his video. The day ended up passing by pretty fast once I started working on it, and soon enough the sun was set. Around 9:30, I opened my window for him. I laid in bed waiting to see that dork pop through my window. My dork.

I heard a clunk and turned over to see a detransforming Chat Noir. "Welcome" I said as I smiled at him. "Hey I got an idea earlier, and I just remembered it" "oh? What's that?" He came and sat down on my bed, facing me. "What if I brought you to my house sometime?" He said grinning at me. "Really? Wouldn't we get caught though?" He then grinned and shook his head. "Nobody ever really checks in on me after I 'go to bed' so as long as we're quiet, theirs about a 10% chance we'd get caught." I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Wow.." I was honestly surprised. He doesn't seem to be bothered much, unless it's hassling him about his activities or school. "Okay, I'd love to go sometime" I said. He smiled brightly at me. "Let's go now" he said, reaching out a hand to me.

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