Chapter 3 - the Problems

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      "And this is my room, well me and Julekas room I should say." He walked backwards and opened his arms, as if he was presenting the worlds most important place. Adrien couldn't help but giggle, and Luka found his head spinning around his cute smile. "So, do you want to talk about it now? If you want to do something else right now that's fine, but I figure you may want to get it off your chest." Adrien sighed as he sat down on Lukas bed, and Luka came and sat next to him. "Yeah, I'm ready." Adrien said as he let out a sigh and looked over to Luka, who was smiling in such a way that gave Adrien's stomach butterflies.

He looked so kind and welcoming. Was LB right? Should I move on? Or more so, am I moving on right now.. Adrien thought. No, theirs no way I could like a guy.. Not like theirs anything wrong with that, I just don't think I would ever like a guy.. "Well, the girl that I love basically told me I need to stop and give up on her.." Adrien said looking down at his feet and slouching his back. Luka put his hand on Adrien's back and slowly rubbed it in a soothing way, silently telling him to continue.

"She told me she loved another guy, and that it was hopeless with me trying to win her heart. It feels like my whole world has shattered, and that I've lost the girl I've never had.. Like she was too far from my reach.. So close I could almost grasp her but I just.. Can't.." Adrien let out a painful sigh of relief. "I completely understand how you feel, on some level at least." Luka said, furrowing his brows and looking out his window. "You.. Do?" Adrien asked, not expecting Luka to have said that. "Yeah.. As you have probably noticed, I love Marinette. And I have since the day I met her, but she keeps chasing after this guy who loves someone else. She doesn't realize that he's oblivious and that she should just tell him or move on, and obviously I'm okay with whatever she chooses to do because it's her life and I adore her, it just hurts."

Adrien frowned and rested his head on Lukas shoulder. Luka was a bit surprised by the contact, but returned the favor by wrapping his arm around Adrien and laying his head on top of the blonde boys. They both just stayed like that in silence for a few minutes, until Luka broke the silence. "I feel the same way you do, about her being too far from your reach, yet so close you can almost grasp her. I've felt that way since I met her." He said quietly. Adrien lifter his head up to look at Luka, accidentally making their faces so close to each other they could practically feel each others breath on the others skin. Adrien quickly turned away and smacked his hands onto his face letting out a muffled apology. "What I was going to say, was I'm sorry you're feeling the same pain I am." Adrien said lightly. Luka slightly grinned. "Its okay, I'm sure someone better will come along for me soon." He said with a smile.

"and I'm sure someone is coming along for you soon too.." Luka mumbled. "What was that?" Adrien asked. "Nothing.. Hey, uh do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asked. Adrien smiled. "What if we played some little games to know each other better first?" Luka smiled. "That's a great idea. We should probably freshen up first though, and maybe eat some dinner. Huh? Dinner? What time was it? Adrien thought, as he pulled out his phone to look at the clock. " Holy shit, its already almost 7!" Adrien said, as he quickly turned to look out the window as he saw the sun setting. Luka chuckled as he looked back at the green eyed perfection sitting next to him. "Yeah, you didn't even realize?" Luka said laughing. Adrien laughed with him.

The two boys then got up, they decided they would eat first since they were both practically starving at this point. "So, what do you want for dinner? I could cook us something, or we could order out?" Luka asked as he guided the blonde boy to the kitchen. "Well, I'm actually on a diet to keep my body figure at its best since I'm a model and my father is extremely scared of me gaining body fat. But I don't think it'll be a big deal just for one night.. so I could really go for some Italian right now, how about you?" Adrien said as they finally reached the kitchen, Luka hopped on the counter and started cracking up. "What's so funny?" Adrien asked, utterly confused. "I don't think you could gain very much weight even if you did eat unhealthy, with all the activities you do all the time. I mean I don't know all of them, but I've definetly heard about some of them from Marinette.." Lukas voice trailed off as he got to the end of his sentence, remembering Marinette. Sweet Marinette. He missed her smile. Adrien walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders, staring at him intensely.

"Wh-what,,?-" "Quit thinking about her. I'm here so we can get our minds off of things, not so we can dwell on rejection." Adrien said, then he sighed and let go of his shoulders, crossing his arms across his chest. "You're probably too good for her anyways.." Adrien mumbled. Luka ignored what he said, because it was obvious Adrien didn't really mean to say it out loud. Lukas face turned a light pink, then he cleared his throat. "So.. want to order out?" Luka asked as he turned his gaze to Adrien. Adrien smiled and met his gaze. "Yeah, that sounds great." Luka smiled at him and pulled out his phone, he patted the counter space next to him for Adrien to hop up on the counter with him so they could decide what they wanted to order, and where from.

Adrien decided to get some spaghetti as Luka decided to get the same. They both agreed on sharing some ravioli and some chocolate moose cake for desert. Once the food arrived, they sat on the floor in Lukas room as they ate. They had some small talk, about their home life and their school lives, and what they did in their free time, until they got to the chocolate moose cake. It was on one platter, and they hadn't brought any extra plates or dishes in general along with them. "So, how do you want to split this?" The blonde asked looking up at the blue eyed boy, as his blue eyes shut due to him chucking. "We can both just eat from it, splitting it might just make a mess and it's just be easier this way" Luka explained as Adrien let out an "oooohhhhhhh", then they both laughed and dug in. Lukas fork lightly dug into the cake, as he raised it to his mouth with a hand under his fork to keep from spilling on the floor. Adrien watched him take a bite of it, as Luka nodded his head in approval of the sweet dessert.

"It's really good, wow. Are you gonna try it, or are you just gonna watch me?" Luka teased with a small laugh. Adrien chuckled as he dug his fork into the cake and took a bite. "Holy shit you weren't kidding man" they both dug into the cake until it was gone. "God I am stuffed." Luka said. He looked up at adrien to see him nodding in agreement. "Oh, you have a little.." Luka reached his hand forward and wiped his thumb across Adrien's lips, then pulling it away and licking it. Adrien couldn't help but turn bright red as he saw luka Laughing. "Someone's flustered. You had some chocolate on your lip, you messy eater" Adrien looked at him and grinned. "You should be speaking for yourself too" Adrien reached his hand forward and wiped Lukas lip, to Lukas surprise their was chocolate on it. Adrien mimicked Lukas action by licking it off of his thumb. They both just laughed after that, with both of their faces tinged with a rosey pink.

Totally NOT Falling 4 Him! (Luka x Adrien)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ