Chapter 9 - What a Date p1

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     Once Adrien had finally calmed down he realized what Luka had asked. "A.. a date?" Adrien asked surprised. He had always thought Luka would be a romantic, but he didn't think he'd be taking him on a date that soon! "Yeah, if you don't want to that's fine! I just figured it might be.. fun" Luka said. Adrien smiled as he turned pink. "I would love to go on a date, Luka" Luka smiled as he got up and hugged Adrien. Adrien bring the touch starved boy with trauma that he is, loved how often he hugged him. He hugged him back, resting his head in the crook of Lukass neck again. "So, where are we going on this date?" Adrien asked. "Now that, darling is a surprise." Darling. He called him darling. Adrien's stomach swarmed with butterflies as he just hugged Luka tighter and buried his head into Lukas neck more, trying to hide his pink cheeks. "Oh, you like the name Darling, do you now?" Luka asked teasingly. Adrien hummed a yes, though it was muffled since he was practically suffocating in Lukas neck. They pulled away from the hug, as luka checked his phone. It was 6:02pm at that point.

"I'm gonna go shower, and get dressed, you'd better do the same. Theirs a yellow towel in the bathroom with an A embroidered on the side of it, that's your towel whenever you stay now" Adrien looked a bit bewildered. He had his own towel now?? "Oh, okay" adrien said a bit stunned. "Should I dress fancy or casual?" Luka grinned. "I'll throw you an outfit, don't look at it until you put it on, okay?" Luka began rummaging through his dresser. Adrien nodded. Luka handed him some folded up clothes, and dismissed him to go shower. Luka then pulled out his clothes and went to the other bathroom to shower and pamper himself. Adrien looked at the towel bar in the bathroom, only to find a light yellow towel with an A embroidered on the side of it. He then showered, and dried off, then remembered the clothes luka had provided him.

He unfolded the shirt to find-- Lukas Jagged Stone shirt?? He put it on, smiling then figured he may aswell wear Lukas jacket with it too, then he slipped on the jeans Luka provided, only to find that they were Lukas jeans too. He could see where this was going. He walked out of the bathroom after grabbing his clothes and hanging his towel back up. He walked in his room, to see him wearing the outfit Adrien would normally wear. He couldn't help but burst out giggling. "I don't thing that fits your style well, Sunshine" Adrien said through some giggles. He began giggling aswell. "I couldn't say the same for you. You sure do look great in my clothes" he said, pulling Adrien towards him by his waist. Please break the distance this time, please break the distance Adrien thought as Luka rested his forehead against Adrien's. Adrien wrapped his arms over Lukas shoulders again, getting needy he started to lean in closer to Luka since Luka wasn't.

Luka smiled and leaned back. "Ah-ah-ah, not yet, Darling" Luka said with a grin. Adrien pouted, and started jokingly whimpering. "Oh, don't worry lover boy, you'll get your kiss soon" Luka said, booping his nose. "We should get going now, I already told my mom we were going on a date and that we'd be back at 10 at the latest." Adrien looked at his phone to check the time, it was only 7:15.. what was Luka planning? "How are we getting there?" Adrien asked as they walked into the kitchen. "My bike, you'll fit on the back perfectly don't worry" Luka said, as he grabbed an empty cooling bag, then he grabbed some already made food, desert, and drinks and put them in the bag. They walked out front over to his bike, where their was two helmets. Luka put his helmet on, then removed the other one as he set the bag of food down on the ground. He put the other helmet on Adrien's head, tightening it and adjusting it perfectly. "You ready, Mister Model?" Luka asked as he picked up his bike and set the bag of food in the basket.

Adrien sat on the back of his bike, then wrapped his hands around Lukas waist as Luka pushed off and started biking to the unknown destination. They passed by Marinette, as Adrien muttered 'shit, luka you might want to pedal faster' luka turned to his left to see Alya and Marinette standing on the side walk starting at them, as Alya snapped a picture. 'never mind, too late' Adrien muttered. 'thats okay, I doubt your father will find it, and if he does, we were just on a bike, no big deal' Luka muttered back. 'youre right, we'll be fine' adrien muttered with a sigh of relief. They were approaching the eiffel tower? What were they doing here? "Luka? Is this our destination?" Adrien asked as Luka grinned. "It just might be, Darling" he replied. Adrien felt his face getting hot. Luka stopped his bike, and locked it on one of the bike stands near by. They grabbed their food bag took their helmets off, setting them in the basket. Luka grabbed Adrien's hand as he pulled him in a grassy area next to the eiffel tower. The sun had just set, so it was all lit up, it was gorgeous. Luka pulled out a blanket from the bag and layed it down for them to sit on.

"You really are a romantic.." Adrien said, surprised. "Yeah, I guess you could say that" Luka said as he pulled out dinner and set up their dishes. Luka had made them some sandwiches, along with some sparkling water. "I didn't want to go against your diet too much since I know it stresses you out, plus bringing something bigger than sandwiches along would've been harder to do" Luka said. "I think I just fell harder.." Adrien mumbled, as Luka felt his face getting hot. "Eat up, Mister Model, this isn't all I've got in mind." Luka said with a grin. They both ate their sandwiches while having small talk about their day. It was like they were living in a dream. "Okay, I know I said I didn't want to go against your diet too much, but I really couldn't help myself.." luka said as he reached back into the bag, and pulled out a slice of chocolate moose cake and two forks. Just as they had when we slept over last. Adrien couldn't help but giggle, as Luka smiled brightly and handed him a fork. "Bon appetit" Luka said, as they dug into the moose cake.

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