Chapter 2 - His Hoodie..

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The next day felt like it took forever to come, and surprisingly enough his father let him go. His bodyguard drove him to Luka's house, as he was greeted by his friends with hugs, waves, and a lot of hellos. Adrien couldn't help but smile when he saw how excited his friends were to see him. They all went inside when Adrien saw him.. Luka. Dark, black, shiny hair with bright blue tips, and icy blue eyes. His hoodie looks so.. Warm.. Adrien suddenly found himself a bit cold, as he forgot to bring his cardigan with him. They all began practice.

Luka found himself favoring Marinette, as he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She just looked so perfect to him, with her dark blue hair and blue bell eyes. The way she would smile at him when he had a solo, and the way she would talk to her friends so kindly. He then heard a light sigh, and saw Adrien was looking a bit low. "Adrien? Are you okay?" Marinette asked in between songs. "Oh, I just slept bad. I'm okay!" He said with a smile, but Luka noticed his face soon went sour as he looked back down at his sheet music, slouching sluggishly. Luka set down his guitar and asked for a quick 'water break' as Adrien went outside and Luka followed. Adrien was standing at the edge of the deck as he stared down into the water sobbing. Luka walked over to him and stood next to him. "seems like your amp is getting quiet. Are you alright?" Luka asked turning over to him. He looked back and caught his gaze, not letting go of contact as he stared into his eyes for a minute longer than he should have.

"Adrien?" He said, trying to get him back to focus. Adrien looked away, as he let out a sigh. "Just having girl problems, you know?" He said softly. Luka's eye brows furrowed as he patted Adrien's back. "I get it. Want to talk about it? Get it off your chest?" Adrien grinned softly. "Yeah, but not now.. We should head back inside and continue the show, haha.." Luka looked around for a second trying to think of something, when it finally clicked. "Stay the night, we can talk about it later and we'll have all the time in the world. We could even do something to get your mind off of it if you'd like" Adrien looked at him, with a small chuckle to only realize Luka was being serious. "I'm not sure my father will allow that, and I don't want to be a burden-" "Just ask him. You won't be a burden, I wouldn't have invited you to if you would have." Adrien looked at him as Luka stared back at him, desperately pleading for him to stay.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't have any clothes and I want prepared-" "you can borrow my clothes" Adrien sighed and couldn't help but let a smile plaster across his face, realizing Luka wasn't going to budge. "Okay, I'll ask my father then" Luka smiled, he seemed at peace. Adrien didn't know Luka extremely well, but he knew that Luka was a trustable person, and the fact that he wasn't giving up so easy showed that he wanted to be friend Adrien. A: Hey father, I know this is a big last minute but would it be okay if I spent the night at my friend Luka's house tonight? I don't have anything on schedule for tomorrow or today, and all of my homework is done.

Adrien sighed, as he clicked send. He watched his phone as they went back inside, staring at the 'delivered at 1:24pm' until it said 'read at 1:27pm'. His heart began to beat intensely, but why? He shut off his phone screen, as he looked over to Luka who smiled at him comfortingly. They began preforming again, and Adrien set his phone down and continued playing.

Once practice was over, Adriens phone dinged, as he turned it on to see '1 new message from: Gabriel Agreste' his heart began beating faster as he signed onto his phone and opened the message.

G: I suppose that will be okay. Please try to plan these things ahead of time. Nathalie will pick you up tomorrow at 3.

A: Thank you father.

Adrien sent in reply, as he shut off his phone screen and smiled as he played to the rest of the performance. After they were done, Luka and Adrien sat down on the couch. Luka looked over at him with a light smile. "Have you texted your old man yet?" Luka asked while sitting down next to him, as he chugged a bottle of water. Small beads of sweat dripped down his face, and onto his jawline as he drank the water. Adrien couldn't help but find himself staring.

"u-uhm yeah. He said it would be okay for tonight, and that I'd get picked up tomorrow at 3. Luka looked at him and smiled brightly. "That's great to hear, I'm glad you get to stay. I'll go let my mom know, I'm sure she won't mind" Luka got up and looked back at Adrien as he seemed to look a bit cold, and noticed him slightly shivering. "Here." Luka said as he took off his hoodie and tossed it to Adrien. "It might be a bit damp since I was just sweating, but you look pretty cold." Luka walked off to go find his mom and let her know Adrien would be sleeping over, as he held the hoodie in his hands admiring it. So warm.. I'm so.. Cold.. Wait, why haven't I put it on yet? What kind of moron am I? Adrien slipped on the hoodie and pulled up the hood as Marinette walked over. "Hey Luka- oh, Adrien! Sorry haha, I don't realize that was you! Uh.. Why are you wearing Lukas hoodie?" She looked down at him in confusion as she giggled nervously. "Oh, I was cold and he told me I could wear it!" Adrien said with a smile. "Oh, okay that makes sense. Well, Alya and Nino just left, and I'm leaving now. Do you want to join me or are you getting a ride?" She asked kindly.

"Oh, I'm actually staying the night" Adrien smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, okay. Well, have fun!" She said as they waved each other goodbye. Adrien sat on that couch in Lukas hoodie waiting for him to come back in what felt like forever, but Luka soon returned. "Mom said that was fine, Juleka just so happened to be staying the night at Roses house tonight so it's all ended up perfect." Luka said with a smile. He reached out his hand to Adrien as he grabbed it, and Luka pulled him up. "Come along, I'll show you around so you feel more at home." Luka then showed him around the house, until they reached his bedroom.

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