But one of them looked out of place among the young women. Not only did she look older than the young women, she was wearing far more revealing clothes and she was covered in jewelry. She had her eyes locked on yours.

You exhaled through your nose. "What's your name?", you demanded standing in front of her.

"Tamina.", she said, raising her chin proudly.

You were both studying one another. She was beautiful, with her plump lips, fiery thick locks and full hips.

You could tell she wanted to talk. You looked at your other ladies in waiting. They smiled awaiting an order.

"You are all dismissed."

"Dismissed for the day?", one bravely asked.

"No dismissed dismissed. You're all fired.", you said, waving them off.

They all exchanged confused glanced but left.

"Thank the stars, those bithes were nosey.", Tamina said, studying her nails.

"Aren't you mad at me?", you asked.

"What?",Tamina looked up at you.

"Aren't you mad I took her spot, aren't you mad I'm replacing her, that you have to look after me?"

Tamina shook her head slowly. "It wouldn't be fair if I was mad at you. No. I'm angry at them, I know her death was no accident." Tamina's eyes got glossy. She was referring to the First Order.

"I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I can protect you from the First Order...since I wasn't able to protect Solsta from them..." her bottom lip trembled.

You embraced her. "Thank you Tamina, I appreciate it."

Loud steps echoed throughout the grand hall.

The sound stopped. You looked up from Tamina. There he was. Kylo.

You pulled away from Tamina.

Your heartbeat had quickened. He sadly had his mask on.

You waited for him to say something but he just stood there. Maybe he was thinking about what to say.

Tamina bowed, "your highness." You could detect her fake tone.

You wondered if you too had to bow. You opened your mouth to ask.

"Dining hall. 18:30. Don't be late." and with that he walked away.

You watched him leave. You let out a breath you hadn't realized you had been holding in.

You turned to Tamina. "What the fuck is 18:30?"

Tamina rolled her eyes. "Military time. It's 6:30, why can't he just say 6:30."

"Looks like you have a date."she smirked.

"No. It's probably some special dinner for the First Order and I have to be there for appearances or something."

You wiped the sweat on your neck. Stars you were a wreck.

"Are you good?"

"This is the first time he has said anything to me in weeks."

Tamina looked at you baffled. "Seriously?"

You slowly nodded. "We haven't had one single conversation. Not one."

Tamina winced."Awkward."

"Tell me about it. But yet I haven't made an effort either."

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