3 - KING

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The wedding ceremony was a swift one. It was held in the grand throne room in front of Babillian and First Order officials.

To Kylo it went by as somewhat of a blur. He was probably suppressing what had just happened.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds went out to the balcony, arms linked, overlooking the crowds of millions of babillians that cheered. Confetti was being thrown from left and right, proud citizens waved the flags with the symbol of a sun, the Babillain flag. Kylo felt a bit overwhelmed there were so many of them.

He was surprised to even see some people wave flags with the emblem of the First Order, the propaganda spread fast.

Behind them, Kylo heard General Pryde hiss, "Wave to your people."

Whether he had said it to Solsta or to him or to both, Kylo hesitantly gave a small wave. Solsta followed, her blank expression never leaving her face. The crowds roared, rejoicing.

There they stood, awkwardly, side by side, shoulders touching, waving at the Babillians that from afar were too excited to notice how discontent they both were.

A thought crossed Solsta's mind, she imagined the shocked looks on Kylo and the First Order's faces if she threw herself off the balcony and into the crowd.

Towards the end of the wedding ceremony, they had crowned Kylo, making him King of Babilla. He couldn't help but think of his mother. Even though his mother abdicated her title of "princess" to be a general, she still was technically in some way princess of Alderaan so that somewhat made him the prince of Alderaan, even if it was destroyed long ago.

The crown above his head felt heavy, not because it was made of gold, he was used to weighty objects like his mask, but because of everything it represented.

Yet again he had let himself be manipulated. Yet again he became a puppet, a pawn in Palpatine's plan.

Why would Palpatine help him?

Why would he want him to be the ruler of the whole galaxy, what's in it for Palpatine?

And most importantly, why the fuck would Kylo listen, why did he agree?

Does he want the power that much? Is it worth all the trouble? A part of him was hating how much he wanted the power, how it tempted him.

Kylo hadn't even started "ruling" Babilla and he was already dreading the thought of it. Being Supreme Leader was tiring already as it was, how was he going to handle ruling an entire planet and eventually the entire galaxy. Kylo wanted to get away, the itching feeling to destroy something was coming back to him.

Kylo was beginning to feel light-headed, his dark clothes tighter around his neck. Since it was nighttime, lanterns were hung illuminating the happy faces of the Babillians. The lanterns were becoming blurry to Kylo, they kept fading in and out of focus. They then became too bright, Kylo willed his eyes to readjust. The cheers were getting louder and louder. Was he about to faint?

Thankfully before any more of the torture could continue the two were escorted away from the roaring crowds and back inside the palace. They were being led somewhere.

Kylo stood there in the hallway, trying to catch his breath, he could still hear the crowd's cheers. What was this, a panic attack? Some servants turned back and looked at him in confusion. General Hux was amongst the ones that turned and commented rather loudly,"Oh my, is he going to faint?"

This caught Allegiant General Pryde's attention, he told the group to continue walking and to not worry. He jogged to Kylo's side. Hux walked over calmly to see Kylo Ren's dramatics.

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