Dagger: If you didn't have your ties, you would be deader than my last Tuesday appointment.

Devyn: *fakes pouts* ouchie that hurt my heart.

Dagger: huh funny I thought you didn't have one.

Devyn: nope that's just you.


Dagger: no I am just saying that realistically you are trash compared to me. I mean my dna is even better than yours.

Maddox:... fair enough. I saw my real father last week, he was fussing over Yarimar's tiara like he was a dooting maid.

Dagger: yeah and I killed my dad.

Maddox: *looks over at him* respect.


Reign: so I was told to join this group for a while to get social interaction as a normal teen.

Brenton, Sammy, Dezzy, Stephanie: *breathes to start introductions*

Reign: oh I can't do this I can feel my brain cells dying already.


Ace: can't we just let this whole thing go?

Bree: what? That you got your ass kicked by your little sister? Never.

Kiara: what so funny about that? The younger siblings can be tough as well!

Zander and Bree: *looks down at her with an raised eyebrow*

Kiara: oh wow did I hear Quinten fall from the roof again!? *runs off*

Zander and Bree: *high fives each other* and that's how you stop sibling rebellion, Ace learn and take notes.


Ella: all I am asking is who is stronger, you, Sage, dagger, or those stone twins?

Maddox: well I have beat Sage, yet Dagger has beat me, and I haven't seen much from those twins. But considering Dagger can't be manipulated like that... i dont know.

Ella: you were suppose to say you. Why don't you HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF?!?

Maddox:... I was just trying to answer the question.



Reign: what's everyone thinking right now?

Dagger: mass genocide but make it efficient.

LJ: the impending collapse of our reality as we know it.

Sammy: cookies...

*everyone looking at him*.

Sammy: hey! It's okay for me to think about that! Does it always have to be so focused on the messed up shit around here?  I get it war, it's messed up and we need to fix it. But a bitch is hungry!


Violet: you been in a lot of tense situations right? So what's the worse one?

Dagger: nothing matches the tension between you and a hot drink. Your about to take a sip of a real 'will they won't they' type of situation. Like are you gonna be a nice warm treat, or are you gonna rain molten lava upon my defenseless tastebuds.

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